| Events, occurring at the trigger time (left) or in the post-trigger window (right), recorded over the span of 1 hour in Fprompt vs.~TotalPE space. Different populations are identified: \textbf{A} - \nuc{Am}{241} \textalpha's. \textbf{B} - \nuc{Am}{241} \textalpha's with pileup. \textbf{C} - CR \textmuon's. \textbf{D} - Unkown population but most likely candidate is protons from inelastic interaction of CR \textmuon's and neutrons. \textbf{E} - Short bursts of light inconsistent with scintillation; several mechanisms create such $\mathcal{O}$(10~PE) pulses, such as Cherenkov light produced in the PMT cathode glass, PMT afterpulsing, and ionizing particles (from CR's or \nuc{Ar}{39} beta decays) interacting in the PEN foil. \fprompt\ for these events is close to 1, and the band stretching toward lower values is due to pile-up. \textbf{A$^{\prime}$} - \nuc{Am}{241} \textalpha's in post-trigger window of \textbf{E}. |