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Internal Note
Report number n_TOF-PUB-2024-001 ; CERN-n_TOF-PUB-2024-001
Title n_TOF Detector Developments
Author(s) Patronis, Nikolas ; Aberle, Oliver ; Alcayne, Victor ; Alpar, Genevieve ; Al Halabi, Muaz ; Amaducci, Simone ; Babiano, Victor ; Bacak, Michael ; Balibrea-Correa, Javier ; Bartolomé, Jesús ; Bernardes, Ana-Paula ; Gameiro, Bernardo Bernardino ; Berthoumieux, Eric ; Beyer, Roland ; Birch, Matthew ; Boromiza, Marian ; Bosnar, Damir ; Brusasco, Benedetta ; Caamaño, Manuel ; Cahuzac, Aline ; Calviño, Francisco ; Calviani, Marco ; Cano-Ott, Daniel ; Casanovas, Adrià ; Castelluccio, Donato ; Catlett, David ; Cerutti, Francesco ; Cescutti, Gabriele ; Chiaveri, Enrico ; Claps, Gerardo ; Colombetti, Paolo ; Colonna, Nicola ; Console Camprini, Patrizio ; Cortés, Guillem ; Cortés-Giraldo, Miguel ; Cosentino, Luigi ; Cristallo, Sergio ; D'Ottavi, Angelica ; de la Fuente Rosales, Gabriel ; Dellmann, SophiaFlorence ; Diakaki, Maria ; Di Castro, Mario ; Di Chicco, Augusto ; Dietz, Mirco ; Domingo-Pardo, César ; Dupont, Emmeric ; Durán, Ignacio ; Eleme, Zinovia ; Eslami, Mamad ; Fargier, Sylvain ; Fernández-Domínguez, Beatriz ; Finocchiaro, Paolo ; Flanagan, Will ; Furman, Valter ; Gandhi, Aman ; García-Infantes, Francisco ; Gawlik-Ramięga, Aleksandra ; Gervino, Gianpiero ; Gilardoni, Simone ; González-Romero, Enrique ; Goula, Styliani ; Griesmayer, Erich ; Guerrero, Carlos ; Gunsing, Frank ; Gustavino, Carlo ; Heyse, Jan ; Hillman, William ; Jenkins, David ; Jericha, Erwin ; Junghans, Arnd ; Kadi, Yacine ; Kaperoni, Kalliopi ; Kelly, Isaac ; Kokkoris, Michael ; Kopatch, Yury ; Krtička, Milan ; Kyritsis, Nikolaos ; Lederer-Woods, Claudia ; Lerendegui-Marco, Jorge ; Manna, Alice ; Martínez, Trinitario ; Martínez-Cañada, Marco ; Masi, Alessandro ; Massimi, Cristian ; Mastinu, Pierfrancesco ; Mastromarco, Mario ; Maugeri, Emilio-Andrea ; Mazzone, Annamaria ; Mendoza, Emilio ; Mengoni, Alberto ; Michalopoulou, Veatriki ; Milazzo, Paolo ; Moldenhauer, Jacob ; Mucciola, Riccardo ; Musacchio González, Elizabeth ; Musumarra, Agatino ; Negret, Alexandru ; Odusina, Emmanuel ; Papanikolaou, Dimitrios ; Pavón-Rodríguez, JoséAntonio ; Pellegriti, Maria ; Pérez-Maroto, Pablo ; Pérez de Rada Fiol, Alberto ; Perfetto, Giulio ; Perkowski, Jarosław ; Petrone, Cristina ; Pieretti, Nicholas ; Piersanti, Luciano ; Pirovano, Elisa ; Porras, Ignacio ; Praena, Javier ; Quesada, José-Manuel ; Reifarth, René ; Rochman, Dimitri ; Romanets, Yuriy ; Rooney, Annie ; Rovira, Gerard ; Rubbia, Carlo ; Sánchez-Caballero, Adrián ; Sahoo, Simran ; Scarpa, Daniele ; Schillebeeckx, Peter ; Smith, Gavin ; Sosnin, Nikolay ; Spelta, Michele ; Stamati, Maria-Elisso ; Stasiak, Krzysztof ; Tagliente, Giuseppe ; Tarifeño-Saldivia, Ariel ; Tarrío, Diego ; Torres-Sánchez, Pablo ; Tosi, Silvia ; Tsiledakis, Giorgios ; Valenta, Stanislav ; Vaz, Pedro ; Vecchio, Gianfranco ; Vescovi, Diego ; Vlachoudis, Vasilis ; Vlastou, Rosa ; Wallner, Anton ; Weiss, Christina ; Woods, PhilipJohn ; Wright, Tobias ; Wu, Renjie ; Žugec, Petar
Publication 2024
Document contact Email: [email protected]
Imprint 25 Nov 2024
Number of pages 10
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN PS ; nTOF
Keywords detector development ; neutron physics ; nuclear astrophysics ; neutron induced fission studies ; neutron induced charged particle reactions ; n_TOF ; Time Of Flight ; nuclear physics ; medical physics ; nuclear physics applications
Abstract In this report, the ongoing developments of the n_TOF detectors are presented. The document describes the capabilities related to new research avenues and perspectives in new physics research with the n_TOF collaboration. It specifically summarizes the long and ongoing efforts of different working groups in developing detectors, considering the specific characteristics of the n_TOF experimental areas, with the goal of fully leveraging the unique features of the n_TOF facility.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Element opprettet 2024-11-25, sist endret 2024-11-26

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