CERN Accelerating science

Representative tree-level Feynman diagrams contributing to the process $\PQq\PQq^\prime \to \PGt^{\pm}\PGnGt \Pell^{\pm} \nu_{\Pell} jj$, $\Pell=\Pe, \, \PGm$, leading to cross sections of order $\alpha_\text{EW}^6$ (\cmsLeft) and $\alpS^{2}\alpha_\text{EW}^4$ (\cmsRight).
Representative tree-level Feynman diagrams contributing to the process $\PQq\PQq^\prime \to \PGt^{\pm}\PGnGt \Pell^{\pm} \nu_{\Pell} jj$, $\Pell=\Pe, \, \PGm$, leading to cross sections of order $\alpha_\text{EW}^6$ (\cmsLeft) and $\alpS^{2}\alpha_\text{EW}^4$ (\cmsRight).
Distributions in the invariant mass of the dijet system for the data and the pre-fit background prediction for the (\cmsLeft) \etauh and (\cmsRight) \mutauh nonprompt CRs. The stacked filled histograms show the background components and the overflow count is included in the last bin. The expectations for the EW SSWW signal, the $\mathcal{O}_{W}$ dim-6 operator with $c_{W}=1\TeV^{-2}$, and the $\mathcal{Q}_{T1}$ dim-8 operator with $f_{T1}=1\TeV^{-4}$ are shown by the red, blue, and green lines, respectively. For the latter two, the interference with SM and pure EFT contributions are summed together with the SM contribution. The hatched error band shows the bin-by-bin statistical uncertainty. The lower panels show the ratio of data to the total background prediction, with statistical uncertainties indicated by error bars and hatched shading, respectively. In all the panels, the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty assigned to the observed number of events.
Distributions in the invariant mass of the dijet system for the data and the pre-fit background prediction for the (\cmsLeft) \etauh and (\cmsRight) \mutauh nonprompt CRs. The stacked filled histograms show the background components and the overflow count is included in the last bin. The expectations for the EW SSWW signal, the $\mathcal{O}_{W}$ dim-6 operator with $c_{W}=1\TeV^{-2}$, and the $\mathcal{Q}_{T1}$ dim-8 operator with $f_{T1}=1\TeV^{-4}$ are shown by the red, blue, and green lines, respectively. For the latter two, the interference with SM and pure EFT contributions are summed together with the SM contribution. The hatched error band shows the bin-by-bin statistical uncertainty. The lower panels show the ratio of data to the total background prediction, with statistical uncertainties indicated by error bars and hatched shading, respectively. In all the panels, the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty assigned to the observed number of events.
Distributions in \Moone transverse mass for the data and the pre-fit background prediction for the (\cmsLeft) \etauh and (\cmsRight) \mutauh SRs. The stacked filled histograms show the background components, and the overflow count is included in the last bin. The expectations for the EW SSWW signal, the $\mathcal{O}_{W}$ dim-6 operator with $c_{W}=1\TeV^{-2}$, and the $\mathcal{Q}_{T1}$ dim-8 operator with $f_{T1}=1\TeV^{-4}$ are shown by the solid red, blue, and green lines, respectively. For the latter two, the interference with SM and pure EFT contributions are summed together with the SM contribution. The hatched error band shows the bin-by-bin statistical uncertainty. The lower panels show the ratio of data to the total background prediction, with statistical uncertainties indicated by error bars and hatched shading, respectively. In all the panels, the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty assigned to the observed number of events.
Distributions in \Moone transverse mass for the data and the pre-fit background prediction for the (\cmsLeft) \etauh and (\cmsRight) \mutauh SRs. The stacked filled histograms show the background components, and the overflow count is included in the last bin. The expectations for the EW SSWW signal, the $\mathcal{O}_{W}$ dim-6 operator with $c_{W}=1\TeV^{-2}$, and the $\mathcal{Q}_{T1}$ dim-8 operator with $f_{T1}=1\TeV^{-4}$ are shown by the solid red, blue, and green lines, respectively. For the latter two, the interference with SM and pure EFT contributions are summed together with the SM contribution. The hatched error band shows the bin-by-bin statistical uncertainty. The lower panels show the ratio of data to the total background prediction, with statistical uncertainties indicated by error bars and hatched shading, respectively. In all the panels, the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty assigned to the observed number of events.
Distribution of the DNN output for the (\cmsLeft) \etauh and (\cmsRight) \mutauh SR. The data points are overlaid on the post-fit background (stacked histograms). The overflow is included in the last bin. The middle panels show ratios of the data to the pre-fit background prediction and post-fit background yield in yellow and green, respectively. The corresponding colored bands indicate the systematic component of the uncertainty. The lower panels show the distributions of the pulls, defined in the text. The blue shading in these panels represents the total uncertainty in the signal and background estimates. In all the panels, the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty assigned to the observed number of events.
Distribution of the DNN output for the (\cmsLeft) \etauh and (\cmsRight) \mutauh SR. The data points are overlaid on the post-fit background (stacked histograms). The overflow is included in the last bin. The middle panels show ratios of the data to the pre-fit background prediction and post-fit background yield in yellow and green, respectively. The corresponding colored bands indicate the systematic component of the uncertainty. The lower panels show the distributions of the pulls, defined in the text. The blue shading in these panels represents the total uncertainty in the signal and background estimates. In all the panels, the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty assigned to the observed number of events.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported dim-6 bosonic (upper two rows) and mixed (lower row) Wilson coefficient pairs. When there are two contours for the same \CL value, the constrained set of Wilson coefficient values is represented by the area between the two of them if they are concentric, otherwise it consists of the internal areas of the contours.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.
Observed (black) and expected (red) 68 (solid) and 95\% (dashed) \CL contours for $-2\ln\Delta\mathcal{L}$ as functions of the reported (dim-6, dim-8) Wilson coefficient pairs.