CERN Accelerating science

Invariant-mass distributions $M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi \kzero) - M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi)$ of $\Dsone$ (top panels) and $\Dstwo$ (bottom panels) candidates and charge conjugates in the $2<\pt<24~\GeVc$ interval, for the \INEL and HMV0 (0--0.1\% V0M) samples. The blue solid lines show the total fit functions described in the text, and the red dashed lines represent the combinatorial background. The raw-yield ($S$) values are reported together with their statistical uncertainties, as well as the estimated significance of the signal (Signif.).
Invariant-mass distributions $M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi \kzero) - M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi)$ of $\Dsone$ (top panels) and $\Dstwo$ (bottom panels) candidates and charge conjugates in the $2<\pt<24~\GeVc$ interval, for the \INEL and HMV0 (0--0.1\% V0M) samples. The blue solid lines show the total fit functions described in the text, and the red dashed lines represent the combinatorial background. The raw-yield ($S$) values are reported together with their statistical uncertainties, as well as the estimated significance of the signal (Signif.).
Invariant-mass distributions $M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi \kzero) - M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi)$ of $\Dsone$ (top panels) and $\Dstwo$ (bottom panels) candidates and charge conjugates in the $2<\pt<24~\GeVc$ interval, for the \INEL and HMV0 (0--0.1\% V0M) samples. The blue solid lines show the total fit functions described in the text, and the red dashed lines represent the combinatorial background. The raw-yield ($S$) values are reported together with their statistical uncertainties, as well as the estimated significance of the signal (Signif.).
Invariant-mass distributions $M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi \kzero) - M(\mathrm{K}\uppi\uppi)$ of $\Dsone$ (top panels) and $\Dstwo$ (bottom panels) candidates and charge conjugates in the $2<\pt<24~\GeVc$ interval, for the \INEL and HMV0 (0--0.1\% V0M) samples. The blue solid lines show the total fit functions described in the text, and the red dashed lines represent the combinatorial background. The raw-yield ($S$) values are reported together with their statistical uncertainties, as well as the estimated significance of the signal (Signif.).
$\Dsone/\Ds$ (left) and $\Dstwo/\Ds$ (right) ratio times BR as a function of the average charged-particle multiplicity \avdndeta in pp collisions at $\s= 13~\TeV$ at midrapidity ($|y| < 0.5$). The experimental results are compared with the theoretical predictions based on the SHM~\cite{He:2019tik}, the SHMc~\cite{Andronic:2021erx}, PYTHIA~8~\cite{Sjostrand:2006za, SJOSTRAND2015159}, and EPOS4HQ~\cite{Zhao:2023ucp}. The statistical and systematic uncertainties on the measured ratios are depicted as vertical lines and boxes, respectively. The theoretical uncertainty on the predicted ratios is depicted as a shaded band for the \Dsone.
$\Dsone/\Ds$ (left) and $\Dstwo/\Ds$ (right) ratio times BR as a function of the average charged-particle multiplicity \avdndeta in pp collisions at $\s= 13~\TeV$ at midrapidity ($|y| < 0.5$). The experimental results are compared with the theoretical predictions based on the SHM~\cite{He:2019tik}, the SHMc~\cite{Andronic:2021erx}, PYTHIA~8~\cite{Sjostrand:2006za, SJOSTRAND2015159}, and EPOS4HQ~\cite{Zhao:2023ucp}. The statistical and systematic uncertainties on the measured ratios are depicted as vertical lines and boxes, respectively. The theoretical uncertainty on the predicted ratios is depicted as a shaded band for the \Dsone.
$\pt$-integrated yields of prompt \Dsone (left) and \Dstwo (right) mesons divided by the $\pt$-integrated yields of prompt $\Ds$ mesons. The measurements are compared to the ones performed at LEP~\cite{ZEUS:2008nzg, OPAL:1997ekz, ALEPH:2001fud, Gladilin:2014tba}. For the ALICE measurements, the results consider the BR of the decay of interest computed as described in the text considering the RQM~\cite{Godfrey:2015dva} predictions and PDG information~\cite{ParticleDataGroup:2022pth}. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical predictions based on the SHM~\cite{He:2019tik} and the SHMc~\cite{Andronic:2021erx} models.