CERN Accelerating science

Title The $\mu$-RWELL in High Energy Physics and beyond
Author(s) Bencivenni, G (Frascati) ; de Oliveira, R (CERN) ; De Lucia, E (Frascati) ; Felici, G (Frascati) ; Gatta, M (Frascati) ; Giovannetti, M (Frascati) ; Morello, G (Frascati) ; Poli Lener, M (Frascati)
Publication 2024
Number of pages 11
In: JINST 19 (2024) C02057
In: 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors, Siena, Italy, 25 - 29 Sep 2023, pp.C02057
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/19/02/C02057
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract The μ-RWELL, a resistive Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector with a single amplification stage, is crafted using a copper-clad polyimide foil intricately micro-patterned with a blind hole (well) matrix. This matrix is integrated into the readout Printed Circuit Board, complemented by a thin Diamond-Like-Carbon sputtered resistive film, in order to mitigate the transition from streamer to spark regimes, enabling the attainment of substantial gains (≥10$^{4}$). However, this arrangement diminishes the detector's capacity to withstand high particle fluxes.For low-rate applications, the simplest resistive configuration utilises a single resistive layer with edge grounding. This design, however, exhibits a non-uniform response under elevated particle irradiation. To overcome this behaviour, new current evacuation geometries have been developed. In this work, we examine the efficacy of various high-rate resistive layouts, trialled at the prestigious CERN H8-SpS and PSI πM1 beam testing facilities. These designs are tailored to meet the demanding requisites of detectors operating in the HL-LHC environment, as well as those of future experiments at the next generation colliders, such as the FCC-ee/hh and CepC.
Copyright/License publication: © 2024-2025 The Author(s) (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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 Record created 2024-08-01, last modified 2024-09-06

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