Hovedsiden > CPT and Lorentz symmetry tests with hydrogen using a novel in-beam hyperfine spectroscopy method applicable to antihydrogen experiments |
Preprint | |
Report number | CERN-EP-2024-089 |
Title | CPT and Lorentz symmetry tests with hydrogen using a novel in-beam hyperfine spectroscopy method applicable to antihydrogen experiments |
Author(s) | Nowak, Lilian ; Malbrunot, Chloé ; Simon, Martin C. ; Amsler, Claude ; Arguedas Cuendis, Sergio ; Lahs, Sebastian ; Lanz, Andreas ; Nanda, Amit ; Wiesinger, Markus ; Wolz, Tim ; Widmann, Eberhard |
Corporate author(s) | The Asacusa AD-3 collaboration |
Publication | 2024 |
Collaboration | Asacusa AD-3 |
Imprint | 21 Mar 2024 |
Number of pages | 9 |
Published in: | Phys. Lett. B |
Subject category | Particle Physics - Experiment |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN AD ; Asacusa AD-3 |
Keywords | exotics ; conservation law tests ; experimental results ; ground-state hyperfine splitting ; hydrogen ; Standard Model Extension ; CPT and Lorentz violation ; Rabi spectroscopy |
Abstract | We present a Rabi-type measurement of two ground-state hydrogen hyperfine transitions performed in two opposite external magnetic field directions. This puts first constraints at the level of 2.3 × 10^{−21} GeV on a set of coefficients of the Standard Model Extension, which were not measured by previous experiments. Moreover, we introduce a novel method, applicable to antihydrogen hyperfine spectroscopy in a beam, that determines the zero-field hyperfine transition frequency from the two transitions measured at the same magnetic field. Our value, ν_0 = 1.420 405 751 63(63) GHz, is in agreement with literature at a relative precision of 0.44 ppb. This is the highest precision achieved on hydrogen in a beam, improving over previous results by a factor of 6. |
Copyright/License | Preprint: © 2024-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0) Publication: (License: CC-BY-4.0), sponsored by SCOAP³ |
Submitted by | [email protected] |