CERN Accelerating science

: : Examples of tree-level Feynman diagrams for the electroweak production of \WWosjj events via the vector boson scattering of two $W$ bosons radiated from the initial partons. The (a) quartic coupling of the $W$ bosons, (b) $s$-channel and (c) $t$-channel diagrams are illustrated.
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: Examples of tree-level Feynman diagrams for the two main backgrounds: (a) \ttbar and (b) strong \WWosjj. : Caption not extracted
Distribution of the NN output in the top quark CR, with the top quark, strong \WWosjj, and signal processes constrained by the likelihood fit described in Section~\ref{sec:result}. The two- and three-jet categories are merged. Data corresponds to the black dots, the signal normalised to its simulated cross-section is represented by the unstacked dashed histogram, and the post-fit predictions of the SM together with the signal are depicted by the stacked filled histograms. The lower panel shows the ratio of the data to the post-fit predictions of the SM, and the ratio of the pre-fit to the post-fit SM yields. The uncertainty in the total contribution from the SM is illustrated by a hashed band.
: Distributions of (a) the leading and (b) subleading jet $\pt$, (c) the centrality and (d) the invariant mass $m_{e\mu jj}$ constructed from the four-vectors of the two leading leptons and jets. The observables are presented in the SR in the two jet case, with the top quark, strong \WWosjj, and signal processes constrained by the likelihood fit described in Section~\ref{sec:result}. Data corresponds to the filled dots, the signal normalised to the total SM background is represented by the unstacked dashed histogram, and the post-fit predictions of the SM together with the signal are depicted by the stacked filled histograms. The lower panels show the ratios of the data to the post-fit predictions of the SM, and the ratio of the pre-fit to the post-fit SM yields. The uncertainty in the total contribution from the SM is illustrated by a hashed band. : Caption not extracted
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: Distributions of (a) the leading and (b) subleading jet $\pt$, (c) the centrality and (d) the third-leading jet centrality $\zeta_3$. The observables are presented in the SR in the three jet case, with the top quark, strong \WWosjj, and signal processes constrained by the likelihood fit described in Section~\ref{sec:result}. Data corresponds to the filled dots, the signal normalised to the total SM background is represented by the unstacked dashed histogram, and the post-fit predictions of the SM together with the signal are depicted by the stacked filled histograms. The lower panels show the ratios of the data to the post-fit predictions of the SM, and the ratio of the pre-fit to the post-fit SM yields. The uncertainty in the total contribution from the SM is illustrated by a hashed band. : Caption not extracted
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: Distributions of the neural network output in the SR for (a) two jets and (b) three jets, with the top quark, strong \WWosjj, and signal processes constrained by the likelihood fit described in Section~\ref{sec:result}. Data corresponds to the filled dots, the signal normalised to its simulated cross-section is represented by the unstacked dashed histogram, and the post-fit predictions of the SM together with the signal are depicted by the stacked filled histograms. The lower panels show the ratios of the data to the post-fit predictions of the SM, and the ratio of the pre-fit to the post-fit SM yields. The uncertainty in the total contribution from the SM is illustrated by a hashed band. : Caption not extracted
Measurement of the signal strength $\mu=\mu(\mathrm{EWK}\;\WWosjj)$ from the likelihood fit described in Section~\ref{sec:result} together with the normalisations of the backgrounds originating from the top quark and strong \WWosjj events.