| The goals of the scientific program of the Higgs boson physics at Future Colliders are: the improvement of the precision on the fermions and bosons coupling measurements, as deviation from the Standard Model could reveal New Physics, and measurement of Higgs boson self-couplings, that enable to determine the Higgs boson potential. The muon collider is a possible future machine in which these physics goals can be reached with enough precision. Indeed, at the high center of mass energies, in the regime of multi-TeV and with the luminosity conditions that are foreseen for such a machine, the single, double and triple Higgs bosons production rates will be high enough to meet the required precision and determine the Higgs potential. However, physics measurements at muon collider can be strongly affected by the huge amount of background that comes from the muon decays along the beam line. The purpose of this thesis is two fold. The first one is to study the properties of the beam-induced background and the proposed mitigation strategies that are necessary to reduce it, with full detector simulation, at a muon collider. In this environment the reconstruction of physical objects, like hadronic jets produced by the fragmentation of quarks is studied. The second one is the evaluation of the sensitivity on the Standard Model double Higgs production cross section measurement at 3 TeV center of mass energy. This analysis is the foundation for the evaluation of the sensitivity on the determination of the Higgs boson trilinear self-coupling at a muon collider. |