Página principal > Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022 |
Article | |
Title | Performance of the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with lead ions in 2022 |
Author(s) | Alemany-Fernandez, Reyes (CERN) ; Frassier, Alexandre (CERN) ; Rey, Anthony (CERN) ; Wetton, Chris (CERN) ; Mutin, Christophe (CERN) ; Gamba, Davide (CERN) ; Bodart, Dominique (CERN) ; Carlier, Felix (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco (CERN) ; Le Godec, Gilles (CERN) ; Bellodi, Giulia (CERN) ; Angoletta, Maria Elena (CERN) ; Bozzolan, Michele (CERN) ; Dolenc, Miha (CERN) ; Madysa, Nico (CERN) ; Biancacci, Nicolo (CERN) ; Marqversen, Ole (CERN) ; Fournier, Olivier (CERN) ; Meruga, Phani Deep (CERN) ; VALENTIN, Pierre (CERN) ; Scrivens, Richard (CERN) ; Albright, Simon (CERN) ; Jensen, Steen (CERN) |
Publication | 2023 |
Number of pages | 4 |
In: | JACoW IPAC 2023 (2023) TUPA151 |
In: | 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, 7 - 12 May 2023, pp.TUPA151 |
DOI | 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-TUPA151 |
Subject category | Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LEIR |
Abstract | 2022 has been a performance consolidation year for the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) at CERN that demonstrated its capability of delivering the target beam parameters required for high luminosity production in the LHC in a reproducible and reliable way. The main steps that have led to the high performance reach of this beam, together with the machine stability improvements deployed, are detailed in this paper. |
Copyright/License | CC-BY-4.0 |