002883676 001__ 2883676
002883676 003__ SzGeCERN
002883676 005__ 20240927155806.0
002883676 0247_ $$2DOI$$9IOP$$a10.1088/1748-0221/18/11/P11029
002883676 0248_ $$aoai:cds.cern.ch:2883676$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:CERN
002883676 035__ $$9https://inspirehep.net/api/oai2d$$aoai:inspirehep.net:2729436$$d2023-12-11T15:59:17Z$$h2023-12-12T05:00:02Z$$mmarcxml
002883676 035__ $$9Inspire$$a2729436
002883676 041__ $$aeng
002883676 100__ $$aAbbas, M$$uKIT, Karlsruhe
002883676 245__ $$9IOP$$aImpact of magnetic field on the stability of the CMS GE1/1 GEM detector operation
002883676 260__ $$c2023
002883676 300__ $$a24 p
002883676 520__ $$9IOP$$aThe Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors of the GE1/1 station of the CMS experiment have been operated in the CMS magnetic field for the first time on the 7$^{th}$ of October 2021. During the magnetic field ramps, several discharge phenomena were observed, leading to instability in the GEM High Voltage (HV) power system. In order to reproduce the behavior, it was decided to conduct a dedicated test at the CERN North Area with the Goliath magnet, using four GE1/1 spare chambers. The test consisted in studying the characteristics of discharge events that occurred in different detector configurations and external conditions. Multiple magnetic field ramps were performed in sequence: patterns in the evolution of the discharge rates were observed with these data. The goal of this test is the understanding of the experimental conditions inducing discharges and short circuits in a GEM foil.The results of this test lead to the development of procedure for the optimal operation and performance of GEM detectors in the CMS experiment during the magnet ramps. Another important result is the estimation of the probability of short circuit generation, at 68 % confidence level, p$_{short}$$^{HV OFF}$ = 0.42$^{-0.35}$$^{+0.94}$% with detector HV OFF and p$_{short}$$^{HV OFF}$ < 0.49% with the HV ON. These numbers are specific for the detectors used during this test, but they provide a first quantitative indication on the phenomenon, and a point of comparison for future studies adopting the same procedure.
002883676 540__ $$3publication$$aCC-BY-4.0$$bIOP$$fOther$$uhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
002883676 542__ $$3publication$$dThe Author(s)$$g2023
002883676 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aDetectors and Experimental Techniques
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aGaseous detectors
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aMicropattern gaseous detectors (MSGC
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aGEM
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aTHGEM
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aRETHGEM
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aMHSP
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aMICROPIC
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aMICROMEGAS
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aInGrid
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aetc)
002883676 6531_ $$9author$$aControl and monitor systems online
002883676 690C_ $$aARTICLE
002883676 690C_ $$aCERN
002883676 693__ $$aCERN LHC$$eCMS
002883676 700__ $$aAbbott, S$$uUC, Davis
002883676 700__ $$aAbbrescia, M$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aAbdalla, H$$uAlexandria U.$$uAmerican U., Cairo$$vCairo University, Cairo, Egypt
002883676 700__ $$aAbdelalim, A$$uAlexandria U.$$uZewail City Sci. Technol., Giza$$vHelwan University, also at Zewail City of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt
002883676 700__ $$aAbuZeid, S$$uAin Shams U., Cairo$$uINFN, Pavia$$vUniversità di Pavia and INFN Sezione di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
002883676 700__ $$aAebi, D$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aAgapitos, A$$uPeking U.
002883676 700__ $$aAhmad, A$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aAhmed, A$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aAhmed, W$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aAimè, C$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aAkhter, T$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aAlsufyani, B$$uFlorida Inst. Tech.
002883676 700__ $$aAruta, C$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aAsghar, I$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aAspell, P$$uCERN
002883676 700__ $$aAvila, C$$uAndes U., Bogota
002883676 700__ $$aBabbar, J$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aBan, Y$$uPeking U.
002883676 700__ $$aBand, R$$uUC, Davis
002883676 700__ $$aBansal, S$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aBenussi, L$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aBhatnagar, V$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aBianco, M$$uCERN
002883676 700__ $$aBianco, S$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aBlack, K$$uWisconsin U., Madison
002883676 700__ $$aBorgonovi, L$$uBologna U.$$uINFN, Bologna
002883676 700__ $$aBouhali, O$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aBraghieri, A$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aBraibant, S$$uBologna U.$$uINFN, Bologna
002883676 700__ $$aButalla, S$$uFlorida Inst. Tech.
002883676 700__ $$aCagnotta, [email protected]$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aCalzaferri, [email protected]$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aCampagnola, R$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aCaponero, M$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aCarlson, J$$uUCLA
002883676 700__ $$aCassese, F$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aCavallo, N$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aChauhan, S S$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aChoudhary, B$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aColafranceschi, S$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aColaleo, A$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aConde Garcia, A$$uCERN
002883676 700__ $$aDatta, A$$uUCLA
002883676 700__ $$aDe Iorio, A$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aDe Lentdecker, G$$uBrussels U.
002883676 700__ $$aDell Olio, D$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aDe Robertis, G$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aDharmaratna, W$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aElkafrawy, T$$uFlorida Inst. Tech.
002883676 700__ $$aErbacher, R$$uUC, Davis
002883676 700__ $$aEveraerts, P$$uWisconsin U., Madison
002883676 700__ $$aFabozzi, F$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aFallavollita, F$$uCERN
002883676 700__ $$aFiorina, D$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aFranco, M$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aGalloni, C$$uWisconsin U., Madison
002883676 700__ $$aGiacomelli, P$$uBologna U.$$uINFN, Bologna
002883676 700__ $$aGigli, S$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aGilmore, J$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aGola, M$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aGutierrez, A$$uWayne State U.
002883676 700__ $$aHadjiiska, R$$uSofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.
002883676 700__ $$aHoepfner, K$$uAachen, Tech. Hochsch.
002883676 700__ $$aHohlmann, M$$uFlorida Inst. Tech.
002883676 700__ $$aHong, Y$$uGent U.
002883676 700__ $$aHoorani, H$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aHuang, T$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aIaydjiev, P$$uSofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.
002883676 700__ $$aIrshad, A$$uBrussels U.
002883676 700__ $$aIorio, A$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aIvone, F$$uAachen, Tech. Hochsch.
002883676 700__ $$aJang, W$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aJaramillo, J$$uAntioquia U.
002883676 700__ $$aJeong, Y$$uSungkyunkwan U.
002883676 700__ $$aJuska, E$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aKailasapathy, B$$uNCP, Islamabad$$uColombo U.$$vUniversity of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
002883676 700__ $$aKamon, T$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aKang, Y$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aKarchin, P$$uWayne State U.
002883676 700__ $$aKaur, A$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aKaur, H$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aKeller, H$$uAachen, Tech. Hochsch.
002883676 700__ $$aKim, H$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aKim, J$$uSeoul Natl. U.
002883676 700__ $$aKim, M$$uSungkyunkwan U.
002883676 700__ $$aKim, S$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aKo, B$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aKumar, A$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aKumar, S$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aLacalamita, N$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aLee, J S H$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aLevin, A$$uPeking U.
002883676 700__ $$aLi, Q$$uPeking U.
002883676 700__ $$aLicciulli, F$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aLista, L$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aLiyanage, K$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aLoddo, F$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aLuhach, M$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aMaggi, M$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aMaghrbi, Y$$uAUM, Kuwait
002883676 700__ $$aMajumdar, N$$uSaha Inst.
002883676 700__ $$aMalagalage, K$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aMartiradonna, S$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aMerlin, J$$uHanyang U.
002883676 700__ $$aMisheva, M$$uSofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.
002883676 700__ $$aMocellin, G$$uUC, Davis
002883676 700__ $$aMoureaux, L$$uBrussels U.
002883676 700__ $$aMuhammad, A$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aMuhammad, S$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aMukhopadhyay, S$$uSaha Inst.
002883676 700__ $$aNaimuddin, M$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aNuzzo, S$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aOliveira, R$$uCERN
002883676 700__ $$aPaolucci, P$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aPark, I C$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aPassamonti, L$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aPasseggio, G$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aPeck, A$$uWayne State U.
002883676 700__ $$aPellecchia, A$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aPerera, N$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aPetre, L$$uBrussels U.
002883676 700__ $$aPiccolo, D$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aPierluigi, D$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aRadogna, R$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aRaffone, G$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aRamirez, F$$uAntioquia U.
002883676 700__ $$aRanieri, A$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aRashevski, G$$uSofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.
002883676 700__ $$aRathjens, D$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aRegnery, B$$uUC, Davis
002883676 700__ $$aRendon, C$$uGent U.
002883676 700__ $$aRiccardi, C$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aRossi, B$$uNaples U.$$uINFN, Naples
002883676 700__ $$aRout, P$$uSaha Inst.
002883676 700__ $$aRuiz, J D$$uAntioquia U.
002883676 700__ $$aRusso, A$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aSafonov, A$$uTexas A-M
002883676 700__ $$aSahota, A K$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aSaltzberg, D$$uUCLA
002883676 700__ $$aSaviano, G$$uFrascati
002883676 700__ $$aShah, A$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aSharma, A$$uCERN
002883676 700__ $$aSharma, R$$uDelhi Tech. U.
002883676 700__ $$aSheokand, T$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aShopova, M$$uSofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.
002883676 700__ $$aSimone, F$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aSingh, J$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aSonnadara, U$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aSturdy, J$$uWayne State U.
002883676 700__ $$aSultanov, G$$uSofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.
002883676 700__ $$aSzillasi, Z$$uKLTE-ATOMKI
002883676 700__ $$aTeague, D$$uWisconsin U., Madison
002883676 700__ $$aTeyssier, D$$uKLTE-ATOMKI
002883676 700__ $$aTytgat, M$$uVrije U., Brussels$$uGent U.$$vGhent University, Ghent, Belgium
002883676 700__ $$aVai, I$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aVanegas, N$$uAntioquia U.
002883676 700__ $$aVenditti, R$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aVerwilligen, P$$uBari U.$$uINFN, Bari
002883676 700__ $$aVetens, W$$uWisconsin U., Madison
002883676 700__ $$aVirdi, A K$$uPanjab U., Chandigarh
002883676 700__ $$aVitulo, P$$uINFN, Pavia
002883676 700__ $$aWajid, A$$uNCP, Islamabad
002883676 700__ $$aWang, D$$uPeking U.
002883676 700__ $$aWang, K$$uPeking U.
002883676 700__ $$aWatson, I J$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aWickramage, N$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aWickramarathna, D D C$$uColombo U.
002883676 700__ $$aYanes, E$$uFlorida Inst. Tech.
002883676 700__ $$aYang, S$$uKorea U.
002883676 700__ $$aYang, U$$uSeoul Natl. U.
002883676 700__ $$aYang, Y$$uBrussels U.
002883676 700__ $$aYoon, I$$uSeoul Natl. U.
002883676 700__ $$aYou, Z$$uZhongshan U.
002883676 700__ $$aYu, I$$uSungkyunkwan U.
002883676 700__ $$aZaleski, S$$uAachen, Tech. Hochsch.
002883676 773__ $$cP11029$$n11$$pJINST$$v18$$y2023
002883676 8564_ $$82499309$$s4291276$$uhttps://cds.cern.ch/record/2883676/files/Publication.pdf$$yFulltext
002883676 960__ $$a13
002883676 980__ $$aARTICLE