| We show the most stringent claimed constraints in the mass range of phenomenological interest. They come from the Hawking evaporation producing extra-galactic gamma-ray (EG $\gamma$) \cite{Arbey:2019vqx}, $e^\pm$ observations by Voyager 1 (V $e^\pm$) \cite{Boudaud:2018hqb}, positron annihilations in the Galactic Center (GC $e^+$) \cite{DeRocco:2019fjq} and gamma-ray observations by INTEGRAL (INT) \cite{Laha:2020ivk} (for other constraints in the ultra-light mass range see also \cite{Carr:2009jm, Ballesteros:2019exr,Laha:2019ssq, Poulter:2019ooo,Dasgupta:2019cae,Laha:2020vhg}). We plot microlensing searches by Subaru HSC \cite{Niikura:2017zjd, Smyth:2019whb}, MACHO/EROS (E) \cite{Alcock:2000kd, Allsman:2000kg}, Ogle (O) \cite{Niikura:2019kqi} and Icarus (I) \cite{Oguri:2017ock}. Other constraints come from CMB distortions. In black dashed, we show the ones assuming disk accretion (Planck D in Ref.~\cite{Serpico:2020ehh} and Ref.~\cite{Poulin:2017bwe}, from left to right) while in black solid the ones assuming spherical accretion (Planck S in Ref.~\cite{Serpico:2020ehh} and both photo- and collisional ionization in Ref.~\cite{Ali-Haimoud:2016mbv}, from left to right). Only Ref.~\cite{Serpico:2020ehh} includes the effect of the secondary dark matter halo in catalysing accretion. Additionally, constraints coming from X-rays (Xr) \cite{Manshanden:2018tze} and X-Ray binaries (XrB)\cite{Inoue:2017csr} are shown. Dynamical limits coming from the disruption of wide binaries (WB) \cite{2009MNRAS.396L..11Q}, survival of star clusters in Eridanus II (EII) \cite{Brandt:2016aco} and Segue I (SI) \cite{Koushiappas:2017chw,Stegmann:2019wyz} are also shown. LVC stands for the constraint coming from LVK measurements \cite{Ali-Haimoud:2017rtz,Raidal:2018bbj,Vaskonen:2019jpv,Wong:2020yig}. Constraints from Lyman-$\alpha$ forest observations (L$\alpha$) come from Ref.~\cite{Murgia:2019duy}. We neglect the role of accretion which has been shown to affect constraints on masses larger than ${\cal O}(10) M_\odot$ \cite{DeLuca:2020fpg,DeLuca:2020qqa} in a redshift dependent manner. See Ref.~\cite{Carr:2020gox} for a comprehensive review on constraints on the PBH abundance. Notice that there are no stringent bounds in the asteroid mass range \cite{Katz:2018zrn, Montero-Camacho:2019jte} where LISA may constrain PBHs through the search of a second order SGWB. |