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Report number HEN-375
Title Higher order Bose-Einstein correlations in $\pi^{+}p$ and $K^{+}p$ collisions at 250 GeV/c

Agababian, N M ; Ajinenko, I ; Ataian, M R ; Belous, K S ; Charlet, M ; Chliapnikov, P V ; Czyzewski, J ; De Wolf, E A ; Dziunikowska, K ; Endler, A M ; Garutchava, Z C ; Gulkanian, H R ; Hakobyan, R S ; Karamian, J K ; Kisielewska, D ; Kittel, E W ; Mehrabyan, S S ; Metreveli, Z V ; Olkiewicz, K ; Rizatdinova, F K ; Shabalina, E K ; Smirnova, L N ; Tabidze, M D ; Tikhonova, L A ; Tkabladze, A V ; Tomaradze, A G ; Verbeure, F ; Zotkin, S A

Publication 1995
Imprint Jun 1995
Number of pages 22
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA22
Keywords K+ p ; pi+ p
Other source Inspire

 Record creato 1995-07-28, modificato l'ultima volta il 2017-05-23

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