CERN Accelerating science

Fit to the \dmchi (Left) and \mom (Right) distributions for $\cbj2 \to\om\OneS$ candidates reconstructed in data. The solid blue curve shows the total fit and the dotted red curve indicates the background. In both panels, the long dashed orange curve is the \j0 signal. In the left panel, the dash-dotted violet curve is the \j1 signal, and the dashed green curve is the \j2 signal. In the right panel, the dash-dotted gray curve shows the combined \j1 and 2 signal.
Fit to the \dmchi (Left) and \mom (Right) distributions for $\cbj2 \to\om\OneS$ candidates reconstructed in data. The solid blue curve shows the total fit and the dotted red curve indicates the background. In both panels, the long dashed orange curve is the \j0 signal. In the left panel, the dash-dotted violet curve is the \j1 signal, and the dashed green curve is the \j2 signal. In the right panel, the dash-dotted gray curve shows the combined \j1 and 2 signal.
Fit to the \dmchi distribution for $\chibOne3 \to \om \OneS$ candidates reconstructed in data. The legend is similar to that of Fig. \ref{fig:2P_dataFit}.
Fit to the \dmpp distribution for $\ThreeS \to\pipi\OneS$ candidates reconstructed in data. The total fit is shown by the solid blue curve, the background contribution by the dotted red curve, and the signal contribution by the dash-dotted violet curve is the overlaid signal shape.