CERN Accélérateur de science

Title What Does the Curriculum Say? Review of the Particle Physics Content in 27 High-School Physics Curricula
Author(s) Kranjc Horvat, Anja (CERN ; Potsdam U.) ; Wiener, Jeff (CERN) ; Schmeling, Sascha Marc (CERN) ; Borowski, Andreas (Potsdam U.)
Publication 2022
Number of pages 21
In: MDPI Physics 4 (2022) 1278-1298
DOI 10.3390/physics4040082
Subject category Education and Outreach
Abstract This international curricular review provides a structured overview of the particle physics content in 27 state, national, and international high-school physics curricula. The review was based on a coding manual that included 60 concepts that were identified as relevant for high-school particle physics education. Two types of curricula were reviewed, namely curricula with a dedicated particle physics chapter and curricula without a dedicated particle physics chapter. The results of the curricular review show that particle physics concepts are explicitly or implicitly present in all reviewed curricula. However, the number of particle physics concepts that are featured in a curriculum varies greatly across the reviewed curricula. We identified core particle physics concepts that can be found in most curricula. Here, elementary particles, fundamental interactions, and charges were identified as explicit particle physics concepts that are featured in more than half of the reviewed curricula either as content or context. Indeed, theoretical particle physics concepts are more prominent in high-school physics curricula than experimental particle physics concepts. Overall, this international curricular review provides the basis for future curricular development with respect to particle physics and suggests an increased inclusion of experimental particle physics concepts in high-school physics curricula.
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