CERN Accelerating science

Tree diagram contributing to the \LbDsP decay.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\LbLcPi$ candidates, the normalisation channel in this measurement. The size of the signal peak compared to the backgrounds can be seen clearly in the linear plot on the left, whereas the individual components are displayed more clearly in the logarithmic plot on the right. Overlaid are the fit projections of the signal and background contributions, with individual components illustrated in the legend above.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\LbLcPi$ candidates, the normalisation channel in this measurement. The size of the signal peak compared to the backgrounds can be seen clearly in the linear plot on the left, whereas the individual components are displayed more clearly in the logarithmic plot on the right. Overlaid are the fit projections of the signal and background contributions, with individual components illustrated in the legend above.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\LbLcPi$ candidates, the normalisation channel in this measurement. The size of the signal peak compared to the backgrounds can be seen clearly in the linear plot on the left, whereas the individual components are displayed more clearly in the logarithmic plot on the right. Overlaid are the fit projections of the signal and background contributions, with individual components illustrated in the legend above.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\LbDsP$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the fit projections of the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components in the fit are illustrated in the legend. A few bins around $5575\mevcc$ show a disagreement between the model and the data. This effect is covered by the systematic uncertainties as described in the text.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\LbDsP$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the fit projections of the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components in the fit are illustrated in the legend. A few bins around $5575\mevcc$ show a disagreement between the model and the data. This effect is covered by the systematic uncertainties as described in the text.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\LbDsP$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the fit projections of the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components in the fit are illustrated in the legend. A few bins around $5575\mevcc$ show a disagreement between the model and the data. This effect is covered by the systematic uncertainties as described in the text.
The (left) $m(\Dsm p)$ and (right) $\mLbLcPi$ invariant-mass distributions after the full selection without the PID requirement on the companion track (filled area) and passing (circles) or failing (squares) this selection.
The (left) $m(\Dsm p)$ and (right) $\mLbLcPi$ invariant-mass distributions after the full selection without the PID requirement on the companion track (filled area) and passing (circles) or failing (squares) this selection.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\BsDsPi$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components of the fit are illustrated in the legend.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\BsDsPi$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components of the fit are illustrated in the legend.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\BsDsPi$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components of the fit are illustrated in the legend.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\BsDsK$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components in the fit are illustrated in the legend.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\BsDsK$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components in the fit are illustrated in the legend.
Invariant-mass distribution of $\BsDsK$ candidates, in (left) linear and (right) logarithmic scale, where the signal and background contributions are overlaid. The individual components in the fit are illustrated in the legend.