CERN Accelerating science

Distribution of the invariant-mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Left: exponential decay spectrum as a function of the proper decay length for \hyp, the blue points represent the measured yield, while the orange line represents the best fit to the measurement. Right: \BL measurement as a function of the proper decay length. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; see the text for a description of the determination of the systematic uncertainties. The fit probability computed with a Pearson test is reported.
Left: exponential decay spectrum as a function of the proper decay length for \hyp, the blue points represent the measured yield, while the orange line represents the best fit to the measurement. Right: \BL measurement as a function of the proper decay length. Only statistical uncertainties are shown, see the text for a description of the determination of the systematic uncertainties. The fit probability computed with a Pearson test is reported.
Left: exponential decay spectrum as a function of the proper decay length for \hyp, the blue points represent the measured yield, while the orange line represents the best fit to the measurement. Right: \BL measurement as a function of the proper decay length. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; see the text for a description of the determination of the systematic uncertainties. The fit probability computed with a Pearson test is reported.
Left: exponential decay spectrum as a function of the proper decay length for \hyp, the blue points represent the measured yield, while the orange line represents the best fit to the measurement. Right: \BL measurement as a function of the proper decay length. Only statistical uncertainties are shown, see the text for a description of the determination of the systematic uncertainties. The fit probability computed with a Pearson test is reported.
The \hyp lifetime relative to the free $\Lambda$ lifetime as a function of the \BL for pionless EFT~\cite{Hildenbrand:2020kzu} (green), $\chi$EFT~\cite{Perez-Obiol:2020qjy} (light blue), and the original $\pi$ exchange calculations~\cite{Rayet:1966fe} (blue). The red point represents the measurement presented in this Letter with the statistical and total uncertainties depicted with lines and an ellipse, respectively.
The \hyp lifetime relative to the free $\Lambda$ lifetime as a function of the \BL for pionless EFT~\cite{Hildenbrand:2020kzu} (red), $\chi$EFT~\cite{Perez-Obiol:2020qjy} (orange), and the original $\pi$ exchange calculations~\cite{Rayet:1966fe} (magenta). The blue point represents the measurement presented in this Letter with the statistical and systematic uncertainties depicted with lines and box, respectively.
Collection of the \hyp lifetime (left)~\cite{PhysRev.136.B1803,Keyes:1968zz,Phillips:1969uy,Bohm:1970se,Keyes:1970ck,Keyes:1974ev,STAR:2010gyg,Rappold:2013fic,Adam:2015yta,Adamczyk:2017buv,Acharya:2019qcp,STAR:2021orx} and \BL (right)~\cite{Prakash1961OnTB,ammar1962,Mayeur1966ADO,Gajewski:1967ruj,Bohm:1968qkc,Keyes:1970ck,Juric:1973zq,Adam:2019phl} measurements obtained with different experimental techniques. The horizontal lines and boxes are the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The dashed and dash-dotted lines are the corresponding theoretical predictions~\cite{Congleton:1992kk,Kamada:1997rv,Rayet:1966fe,Hildenbrand:2020kzu,Perez-Obiol:2020qjy,Dalitz:1972vzj,Fujiwara:2007en,Haidenbauer:2019boi}. Two predictions are reported in~\cite{Perez-Obiol:2020qjy}: prediction A assumes \BL = 130 keV, while prediction B assumes \BL = 69 keV.
Collection of the \hyp lifetime (left) and \BL (right) measurements obtained with different experimental techniques. The horizontal lines and boxes are the statistical and systematic uncertainties respectively. The dash-dotted lines are the corresponding theoretical predictions.
Collection of the \hyp lifetime (left)~\cite{PhysRev.136.B1803,Keyes:1968zz,Phillips:1969uy,Bohm:1970se,Keyes:1970ck,Keyes:1974ev,STAR:2010gyg,Rappold:2013fic,Adam:2015yta,Adamczyk:2017buv,Acharya:2019qcp,STAR:2021orx} and \BL (right)~\cite{Prakash1961OnTB,ammar1962,Mayeur1966ADO,Gajewski:1967ruj,Bohm:1968qkc,Keyes:1970ck,Juric:1973zq,Adam:2019phl} measurements obtained with different experimental techniques. The horizontal lines and boxes are the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The dashed and dash-dotted lines are the corresponding theoretical predictions~\cite{Congleton:1992kk,Kamada:1997rv,Rayet:1966fe,Hildenbrand:2020kzu,Perez-Obiol:2020qjy,Dalitz:1972vzj,Fujiwara:2007en,Haidenbauer:2019boi}. Two predictions are reported in~\cite{Perez-Obiol:2020qjy}: prediction A assumes \BL = 130 keV, while prediction B assumes \BL = 69 keV.
Collection of the \hyp lifetime (left) and \BL (right) measurements obtained with different experimental techniques. The horizontal lines and boxes are the statistical and systematic uncertainties respectively. The dash-dotted lines are the corresponding theoretical predictions.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Distribution of the invariant mass of the \hyp and \antihyp candidates in nine \ct intervals from 1 to 35 cm. The statistical uncertainties of the bin counts are represented with vertical lines. The distribution is fitted with a two-component model; the blue line depicts the overall fit, and the orange dashed line displays the background component.
Reconstruction shift $\delta_\mathrm{MC}$ observed in the MC as a function of the proper decay length. The statistical uncertainties are represented with vertical lines. The value of $\delta_\mathrm{MC}$ increases with the distance travelled by the \hyp candidates before decaying.