| The NA64 90\% C.L. exclusion region in the ($m_{Z'}, g_{B-L}$) plane for the unbroken (solid blue line) and broken (dashed blue line) $U(1)_{B-L}$. For the latter case, three degenerate heavy neutrino species with the mass ratio $\frac{m_{N_i}}{m_{Z'}} = \frac{1}{3}$ have been assumed. Constraints from the results of neutrino-electron scattering experiments obtained with nuclear-reactor neutrinos at TEXONO \cite{tex-csi,tex-hpge,tex-npcge} and GEMMA \cite{gemma}, solar neutrinos at BOREXINO \cite{borexino}, and accelerator neutrino beams at LSND \cite{lsnd}, and CHARM II \cite{charm} derived in Refs. \cite{aliev, lin1} are also shown. The dashed area above the curves is excluded. As an example, the black curve illustrates the parameter space for the thermal scalar DM model for which the abundance of scalar $\chi$ is in agreement with the observed DM energy density. The curve is calculated assuming the $Z'-\chi$ coupling $\alpha_D=0.1$ and the mass ratio $\mz = 3 m_\chi$, see Ref.\cite{berlin}. |