CERN Accelerating science

Title Production of Radioactive Molecular Ions in Radiofrequency Quadrupole Gas-Reaction Cells
Author(s) Charles, Chris R J (TRIUMF) ; Ames, Friedhelm (TRIUMF) ; Kester, Oliver (TRIUMF) ; Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S (CERN) ; Babcock, Carla (TRIUMF) ; Schultz, Brad E (TRIUMF) ; Peters, Cameron (TRIUMF ; Waterloo U.) ; Flannigan, Erin L (U. Ottawa) ; Alary, Jean-Francois (Unlisted, CA) ; Laxdal, Aurelia (TRIUMF) ; Kunz, Peter (TRIUMF) ; Lassen, Jens (TRIUMF) ; Teigelhoefer, Andrea (TRIUMF) ; McCausland, Phil J A (Western Ontario U.) ; Flemming, Roberta (Western Ontario U.)
Publication 2022
Number of pages 5
In: J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 2244 (2022) 012100
In: 19th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 2021), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 20 - 24 Sep 2021, pp.012100
DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2244/1/012100
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract Limited types of radioactive molecules (RM) can be made inside hot-cavity targets at ISOL facilities like TRIUMF. However, extreme conditions in these targets present formidable unsolved challenges to efficient production and delivery of RM’s. Here we propose using RFQ gas-reaction cells to produce RM from radioactive ion beams (RIB) by room temperature RIB-gas chemical reactions at eV energies. Two options are possible: (1) using an ion reaction cell (IRC) that is a linear RFQ ion guide and reaction cell used as an ‘on-line ion source’, and (2) using the ARIEL RFQ cooler-buncher (ARQB). RFQ gas-cells are a controllable and efficient method to produce RM from chemical reactants that cannot be used in ISOL targets. This ‘online chemistry’ offers a way to enable groundbreaking Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics research, using a wide diversity of new rare and exotic RM beams that would be difficult or impossible to produce in hot-cavity targets.
Copyright/License publication: IOP Publishing Ltd (License: CC-BY-3.0)

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 Registre creat el 2022-06-22, darrera modificació el 2022-06-22

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