Two-dimensional distributions of $m(\gamma\pip\pim)$ versus $m(\etazpr\pip)$ for (left) the \etapr\pip final state and (right) the \etaz\pip final state. The background candidates at low values of $m(\gamma\pip\pim)$ for the \etaz\pip final state arise from $\etaz\to\pip\pim\piz$ decays. These distributions correspond to a subset of the signal data sample.
Two-dimensional distributions of $m(\gamma\pip\pim)$ versus $m(\etazpr\pip)$ for (left) the \etapr\pip final state and (right) the \etaz\pip final state. The background candidates at low values of $m(\gamma\pip\pim)$ for the \etaz\pip final state arise from $\etaz\to\pip\pim\piz$ decays. These distributions correspond to a subset of the signal data sample.
Distribution of the invariant mass $m(\etapr\pip)$ of (left) \DorDstoEtapPi candidates and (right) $D^{-}_{(s)}\to\etapr\pim$ candidates, summed over the eight subsamples. Candidates have \mppg in the range 936--976$\mev$. The results of the fit described in the text are superimposed. The lower panels show the normalised fit residuals (pulls).
Distribution of the invariant mass $m(\etaz\pip)$ of (left) \DorDstoEtaPi candidates and (right) $D^{-}_{(s)}\to\etaz\pim$ candidates, summed over the eight subsamples. Candidates have \mppg in the range 526--570$\mev$. The results of the fit described in the text are superimposed. The lower panels show the normalised fit residuals (pulls).
Distributions of the invariant mass \mppg for (left) \DorDstoEtapPi candidates and \mbox{(right) \DorDstoEtaPi candidates}, with the projections of the fit superimposed, summed over the subsamples and the \DorDs charges. In this figure, the \mppg mass ranges are enlarged with respect to the baseline fit. The default mass ranges are indicated by the vertical dashed lines.
Distributions of the invariant mass \mppg for (left) \DorDstoEtapPi candidates and \mbox{(right) \DorDstoEtaPi candidates}, with the projections of the fit superimposed, summed over the subsamples and the \DorDs charges. In this figure, the \mppg mass ranges are enlarged with respect to the baseline fit. The default mass ranges are indicated by the vertical dashed lines.
Mass distributions with corresponding fits of (top) $\Ds\to\phi\pip$ candidates and \mbox{(bottom) $\Dp\to\phi\pip$} candidates. The candidates are weighted to match the signal distributions for the $\etapr\pip$ channels. The positively charged candidates are shown on the left and the negatively charged candidates on the right. The blue curves represent the total fit, while the red curves show the very small background component. The data shown are from the 2017, magnet up polarity subsample.
Mass distributions with corresponding fits of (top) $\Ds\to\phi\pip$ candidates and \mbox{(bottom) $\Dp\to\phi\pip$} candidates. The candidates are weighted to match the signal distributions for the $\etapr\pip$ channels. The positively charged candidates are shown on the left and the negatively charged candidates on the right. The blue curves represent the total fit, while the red curves show the very small background component. The data shown are from the 2017, magnet up polarity subsample.
Measured values of $\Delta\Araw$ for the individual subsamples for (upper left) the \DtoEtaPi channel, (upper right) the \DstoEtaPi channel, (lower left) the \DtoEtapPi channel and (lower right) the \DstoEtapPi channel. The subsample labels indicate year of data taking (15/16 = 2015 + 2016), magnet polarity (``Up'' or ``Dn'') and number of PVs (``1PV'' for one primary vertex and ``NPV'' for $N_{\rm PV}>1$). The vertical lines and the grey bands indicate the weighted averages and the corresponding statistical uncertainties.
Measured values of $\Delta\Araw$ for the individual subsamples for (upper left) the \DtoEtaPi channel, (upper right) the \DstoEtaPi channel, (lower left) the \DtoEtapPi channel and (lower right) the \DstoEtapPi channel. The subsample labels indicate year of data taking (15/16 = 2015 + 2016), magnet polarity (``Up'' or ``Dn'') and number of PVs (``1PV'' for one primary vertex and ``NPV'' for $N_{\rm PV}>1$). The vertical lines and the grey bands indicate the weighted averages and the corresponding statistical uncertainties.