| Progress in stellar astrometric imaging in the GC, from seeing limited observations ($\approx 0.4-0.5''$ FWHM, top left) to AO imaging on $8-10\,$m class telescopes ($50-60\,$mas FWHM, $\approx 300-500\,\mu$as astrometry (top-right), showing a Lucy-Richardson deconvolved and beam-restored AO image), to current interferometric imagery with GRAVITY / VLTI (bottom panels, $2\times4$ mas FWHM resolution, $30-100\,\mu$as astrometry). Bottom right: Central $0.2''$ region centered on Sgr~A*(IR) on May 30, 2021 (see Appendix~\ref{sec:A2}, \citealt{JULIA}). Over 2021, the central GRAVITY field of view was dominated by four stars (S29, S55, S62, and S300) with K-band magnitudes between 16.7 and 19.2, in addition to variable emission from Sgr~A*(IR) itself. The dashed circle indicates the field-of-view of GRAVITY, defined by the Gaussian acceptance profile of the pick-up fibres in the instrument. Comparing in the bottom left panel three such images taken on March 30 (red), May 30 (green), and July 26 (blue), the orbital motions of all four stars are easily seen, topped by the $\approx8740\,$km/s velocity of S29 at its pericenter on 2021.41 ($R_\mathrm{peri} \approx 100\,$AU). |