| MoEDAL, the LHC’s first dedicated search experiment took data during LHC’s Run-1 and Run-2 and is now preparing for LHC’s Run-3. To date, MoEDAL has placed the world’s most stringent limits on the mass of multiply charged magnetic monopoles and on the charge of highly electrically charged objects. Additionally, it has published for the first-time searches for: a spin-1 magnetic monopole; the dyon, a particle with electric and magnetic charge; magnetic monopoles produced in heavy-ion collisions via the Schwinger mechanism. Also, MoEDAL has produced the first LHC results on monopole production via photon fusion. MoEDAL’s latest published result on Schwinger produced monopoles harnessed the unprecedented magnetic fields available in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC to enable, for the first time ever, the search for finite-sized monopole production and to calculate physically valid monopole production probabilities and limits.