Report number
| arXiv:2111.12515 ; CERN-LPCC-2021-002 ; CERN-LHCEFTWG-2021-001 |
| Electroweak input parameters |
| Brivio, Ilaria (Heidelberg U.) ; Dawson, Sally (Brookhaven) ; De Blas Mateo, Jorge (Universidad de Granada (ES)) ; Durieux, Gauthier (CERN) ; Savard, Pierre (University of Toronto (CA)) ; Denner, Ansgar (Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE)) ; Freitas, Ayres (Pittsbugh U.) ; Hays, Chris (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Pecjack, Ben (Durham U., IPPP) ; Vicini, Alessandro (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) |
| 2021 |
Document contact
| Contact: Gauthier Durieux Email: |
| 2021-11-24 |
Number of pages
| 7 |
| LHC EFT WG note, 5 pages |
Subject category
| Particle Physics - Phenomenology |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| LHC |
| Different sets of electroweak input parameters are discussed for SMEFT predictions at the LHC. The Gμ,mZ,mW one is presently recommended. A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of different sets of electroweak input parameters took place in a working-group meeting on December 7, 2020 (see also the review on NLO predictions at the December 14 meeting). A preliminary version of this note was presented at the general working-group meeting on May 3, 2021 and the final recommendation discussed on June 28. Adopting a common set of electroweak parameters for tools making SMEFT predictions for LHC observables would ease comparisons and combinations, even though results obtained with one set can in principle be translated to another. For the sake of comparison, implementing different choices in tools would still be desirable. |
Other source
| Inspire |
| preprint: (License: CC BY 4.0) |
Submitted by
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