Αρχική Σελίδα > CERN Experiments > LHC Experiments > ATLAS > ATLAS Preprints > Beam-induced background identification with image vision techniques at ATLAS |
Article | |
Title | Beam-induced background identification with image vision techniques at ATLAS |
Author(s) | Longarini, I (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) |
Collaboration | ATLAS Collaboration |
Publication | 2021 |
Number of pages | 4 |
In: | Nuovo Cimento C 44 (2021) 53 |
In: | 106th Congresso Nazionale della Societa Italiana di Fisica, Online, 14 - 18 Sep 2020, pp.53 |
DOI | 10.1393/ncc/i2021-21053-2 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; ATLAS |
Abstract | At the LHC the interaction between the proton beam and the residual gas in the beam pipes originates secondary particles which, in the case of high-energy muons, are able to cross longitudinally the ATLAS detector and leave jet-like signatures in the calorimeter. Many new physics searches are affected by this beam-induced background. This study shows new ideas, based on image vision techniques, to suppress this source of background. |
Copyright/License | publication: © 2021-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0) |