002790055 001__ 2790055
002790055 003__ SzGeCERN
002790055 005__ 20211110000122.0
002790055 0247_ $$2DOI$$9APS$$a10.1103/PhysRevC.104.054301$$qpublication
002790055 0248_ $$aoai:cds.cern.ch:2790055$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:CERN
002790055 035__ $$9https://inspirehep.net/api/oai2d$$aoai:inspirehep.net:1958413$$d2021-11-08T15:38:45Z$$h2021-11-09T07:57:42Z$$mmarcxml
002790055 035__ $$9Inspire$$a1958413
002790055 041__ $$aeng
002790055 100__ $$aAndel, B$$uLeuven U.$$uComenius U.$$vDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Comenius University in Bratislava, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia
002790055 245__ $$9APS$$aNew $\beta$-decaying state in $^{214}$Bi
002790055 246__ $$aNew β-decaying state in Bi214
002790055 260__ $$c2021
002790055 300__ $$a13 p
002790055 520__ $$9APS$$aA new $\beta$-decaying state in $^{214}$Bi has been identified at the ISOLDE Decay Station at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. A preferred $I^{\pi} = (8^-)$ assignment was suggested for this state based on the β-decay feeding pattern to levels in $^{214}$Po and shell-model calculations. The half-life of the $I^{\pi} = (8^-)$ state was deduced to be $T_{1/2} = 9.39(10)$ min. The deexcitation of the levels populated in $^{214}$Po by the $\beta$ decay of this state was investigated via $\gamma - \gamma$ coincidences and a number of new levels and transitions was identified. Shell-model calculations for excited states in $^{214}$Bi and $^{214}$Po were performed using two different effective interactions: the H208 and the modified Kuo-Herling particle interaction. Both calculations agree on the interpretation of the new β-decaying state as an $I^{\pi} = 8^-$ isomer and allow for tentative assignment of shell-model states to several high-spin states in $^{214}$Po.
002790055 540__ $$3publication$$aCC BY 4.0$$uhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
002790055 542__ $$3publication$$dauthors$$g2021
002790055 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aNuclear Physics - Theory
002790055 690C_ $$aARTICLE
002790055 690C_ $$aCERN
002790055 693__ $$aCERN ISOLDE
002790055 700__ $$aVan Duppen, P$$uLeuven U.
002790055 700__ $$aAndreyev, A N$$uYork U., England$$uJAEA, Ibaraki$$vAdvanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
002790055 700__ $$aBlazhev, A$$uCologne U.
002790055 700__ $$aGrawe, H$$uDarmstadt, GSI
002790055 700__ $$aLică, R$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aNaïdja, H$$uConstantine U.
002790055 700__ $$aStryjczyk, M$$uLeuven U.$$uJyvaskyla U.$$vUniversity of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35, FI-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
002790055 700__ $$aAlgora, A$$uDebrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.$$uValencia U., IFIC$$vInstituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia, E-46980 Valencia, Spain
002790055 700__ $$aAntalic, S$$uComenius U.
002790055 700__ $$aBarzakh, A$$uSt. Petersburg, INP
002790055 700__ $$aBenito, J$$uUCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.
002790055 700__ $$aBenzoni, G$$uINFN, Milan
002790055 700__ $$aBerry, T$$uSurrey U.
002790055 700__ $$aBorge, M J G$$uMadrid, Inst. Estructura Materia
002790055 700__ $$aChrysalidis, K$$uCERN
002790055 700__ $$aClisu, C$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aCostache, C$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aCubiss, J G$$uYork U., England
002790055 700__ $$aDe Witte, H$$uLeuven U.
002790055 700__ $$aFedorov, D V$$uSt. Petersburg, INP
002790055 700__ $$aFedosseev, V N$$uCERN
002790055 700__ $$aFraile, L M$$uUCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.
002790055 700__ $$aFynbo, H O U$$uAarhus U.
002790055 700__ $$aGreenlees, P T$$uJyvaskyla U.
002790055 700__ $$aHarkness-Brennan, L J$$uLiverpool U.
002790055 700__ $$aHuyse, M$$uLeuven U.
002790055 700__ $$aIllana, A$$uINFN, Legnaro
002790055 700__ $$aJolie, J$$uCologne U.
002790055 700__ $$aJudson, D S$$uLiverpool U.
002790055 700__ $$aKonki, J$$uJyvaskyla U.
002790055 700__ $$aLazarus, I$$uDaresbury
002790055 700__ $$aMadurga, M$$uCERN
002790055 700__ $$aMarginean, N$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aMarginean, R$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aMihai, C$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aMarsh, B A$$uCERN
002790055 700__ $$aMolkanov, P$$uSt. Petersburg, INP
002790055 700__ $$aMosat, P$$uComenius U.
002790055 700__ $$aMurias, J R$$uLaue-Langevin Inst.$$uUCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.$$vGrupo de Física Nuclear, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
002790055 700__ $$aNacher, E$$uValencia U., IFIC
002790055 700__ $$aNegret, A$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aPage, R D$$uLiverpool U.
002790055 700__ $$aPascu, S$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aPerea, A$$uMadrid, Inst. Estructura Materia
002790055 700__ $$aPucknell, V$$uDaresbury
002790055 700__ $$aRahkila, P$$uJyvaskyla U.
002790055 700__ $$aRapisarda, E$$uCERN
002790055 700__ $$aRezynkina, K$$uLeuven U.$$uStrasbourg, IPHC$$vUniversité de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC UMR7178, F-67000, Strasbourg, France
002790055 700__ $$aSánchez-Tembleque, V$$uUCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.
002790055 700__ $$aSchomacker, K$$uCologne U.
002790055 700__ $$aSeliverstov, M D$$uSt. Petersburg, INP
002790055 700__ $$aSotty, C$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aStan, L$$uBucharest, IFIN-HH
002790055 700__ $$aSürder, C$$uDarmstadt, Tech. U.
002790055 700__ $$aTengblad, O$$uCSIC, Madrid
002790055 700__ $$aVedia, V$$uUCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.
002790055 700__ $$aViñals, S$$uCSIC, Madrid
002790055 700__ $$aWadsworth, R$$uYork U., England
002790055 700__ $$aWarr, N$$uCologne U.
002790055 710__ $$gIDS Collaboration
002790055 773__ $$c054301$$mpublication$$n5$$pPhys. Rev. C$$v104$$y2021
002790055 8564_ $$82332907$$s778269$$uhttps://cds.cern.ch/record/2790055/files/PhysRevC.104.054301.pdf$$yFulltext
002790055 960__ $$a13
002790055 980__ $$aARTICLE