CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 56th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions
Related conference title(s) Moriond 2022 QCD
Date(s), location 19 - 26 Mar 2022, La Thuile, Italy
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Augé, Etienne (ed.) ; Dumarchez, Jacques (ed.) ; Tran Thanh Van, Jean (ed.)
Imprint ARISF, 2022
Note Organisers: E. Augé; E. Berger; S. Bethke; A. Capella; A. Czarnecki; D. Denegri; Y. Dokshitzer; N. Glover; B. Klima; L. McLerran; F. Mahmoudi; B. Pietrzyk; L. Schoeffel; Chung-I Tan; U. Wiedemann
ISBN 9791096879199 (print version, paperback)
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Free keywords Searches for New Physics ; Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model ; Production and Properties of the Higgs Boson ; Properties of the Top quark ; Production and decay of b and c quarks ; CP Violation ; High pT QCD physics ; Heavy Ion collisions ; Recent developments in QCD ; New theoretical developments in particle physics

Contributions in Inspire: C22-03-19
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Standard model highlights at CMS
by Gilbert, Andrew James
Exotic Higgs at ATLAS and CMS
by Hamity, Guillermo Nicolas
Recent W and Z measurements from ATLAS and CMS
by Pollard, Chris
Associated top quark production at ATLAS and CMS
by ATLAS Collaboration
Search for electroweak SUSY at ATLAS and CMS
by Carra, Sonia
Precision measurements of the Lepton-Charge and Forward-Backward Drell-Yan Asymmetries to Enhance the Sensitivity to Broad Resonances of New Gauge Sectors
by Giuli, Francesco
Top quark properties at ATLAS and CMS
by van der Linden, Jan
Jet substructure in pp collisions with ALICE
by Lesser, Ezra
Exotic Higgs at ATLAS and CMS
by Hamity, Guillermo Nicolas
Searches for exotic heavy resonances at ATLAS and CMS
by Guescini, Francesco
Jet and photon physics in ATLAS and CMS
by LeBlanc, Matt
Higgs Highlights at ATLAS
by Mijovic, Liza
Summary Plots from ATLAS Searches for Pair-Produced Leptoquarks
Single top and rare top quark production (including FCNC searches) at ATLAS and CMS
by May, Samuel
Highlights from Long-Lived Particle Searches at ATLAS
by Gonski, Julia Lynne
Heavy-ion and fixed-target physics at LHCb
by Mariani, Saverio
Higgs cross-sections and properties at CMS and ATLAS
by De Wit, Adinda Maite
Single top and rare top quark production (including FCNC searches) at CMS and ATLAS
by May, Samuel
Heavy-ion and fixed-target physics at LHCb
by Mariani, Saverio
Standard Model soft QCD at CMS and ATLAS
by Veres, Gabor
Charm Quark Hadronisation Studies In pp Collisions With ALICE
by Wilkinson, Jeremy
Highlights from Long-Lived Particle Searches at ATLAS
by Gonski, Julia
Lepton flavor universality and lepton flavor violation tests at LHCb
by Polci, Francesco
SM Highlights at ATLAS
by Pilkington, Andrew
Highlights from searches at CMS
by Benato, Lisa
Standard Model multibosons at CMS and ATLAS
by Massironi, Andrea
Jet and photon physics in ATLAS and CMS
by LeBlanc, Matt
Search for boosted diphoton resonances in the 10 to 70 GeV mass range using 138 $fb^{-1}$ of 13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector
Search for exotic heavy resonances at ATLAS and CMS
by Guescini, Francesco
Rare and semileptonic heavy flavour decays at LHCb
by Dettori, Francesco
Lepton flavor universality and lepton flavor violation tests at LHCb
by Polci, Francesco
Heavy flavour in spectroscopy at LHCb
by Pappagallo, Marco
Probing the $CP$ nature of the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling in $t\bar{t}H$ and $tH$ events with $H \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
QCD, electroweak physics, and searches for exotic signatures in the forward region at LHCb
by Ramos Pernas, Miguel
Theory uncertainties in the fiducial Drell-Yan cross section and distributions
by Chen, Xuan
Highlights from Searches at ATLAS
by ATLAS Collaboration
Higgs highlights at ATLAS
by Mijovic, Liza
Flow harmonics in heavy ion physics at ATLAS and CMS
by Bold, Tomasz
Associated production of top quarks at ATLAS and CMS
by Qin, Quake

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 Record created 2021-10-06, last modified 2023-01-05

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