CERN Accelerating science

Graphical representation of the angularly ordered Cambridge-Aachen reclustering of jet constituents and subsequent Soft Drop grooming procedure~\cite{Larkoski:2014wba}, with the identified splitting denoted in black and the splittings that were groomed away in light blue.
Unfolded \zg{} distributions for charged-particle jets in \pp{} collisions compared to those in \PbPb{} collisions at $\sqrts=5.02$ TeV with $\zcut = 0.2$ for 0--10\% centrality for $R=0.2$ (left) and 30--50\% centrality for $R=0.4$ (right). The distributions are normalized to the inclusive jet cross section in the $60 < \pTjet < 80$ GeV/$c$ interval, and $f_{\mathrm{tagged}}$ indicates the fraction of splittings that were tagged to pass the SD condition in the selected \pTjet{} interval. The ratios in the bottom panel are compared to the following theoretical predictions: JETSCAPE~\cite{Putschke:2019yrg}, JEWEL~\cite{Zapp:2012ak, Zapp:2013vla}, Caucal et al.~\cite{Caucal:2019uvr, Caucal_2018}, Chien et al.~\cite{Chien:2016led}, Qin et al.~\cite{Chang:2019nrx}, and Pablos et al.~\cite{HybridModel, HybridModelResolution, Casalderrey-Solana:2019ubu}. Further details can be found in Ref. \cite{THE_PUBLIC_NOTE}.
Unfolded \zg{} distributions for charged-particle jets in \pp{} collisions compared to those in \PbPb{} collisions at $\sqrts=5.02$ TeV with $\zcut = 0.2$ for 0--10\% centrality for $R=0.2$ (left) and 30--50\% centrality for $R=0.4$ (right). The distributions are normalized to the inclusive jet cross section in the $60 < \pTjet < 80$ GeV/$c$ interval, and $f_{\mathrm{tagged}}$ indicates the fraction of splittings that were tagged to pass the SD condition in the selected \pTjet{} interval. The ratios in the bottom panel are compared to the following theoretical predictions: JETSCAPE~\cite{Putschke:2019yrg}, JEWEL~\cite{Zapp:2012ak, Zapp:2013vla}, Caucal et al.~\cite{Caucal:2019uvr, Caucal_2018}, Chien et al.~\cite{Chien:2016led}, Qin et al.~\cite{Chang:2019nrx}, and Pablos et al.~\cite{HybridModel, HybridModelResolution, Casalderrey-Solana:2019ubu}. Further details can be found in Ref. \cite{THE_PUBLIC_NOTE}.
Unfolded \tg{} distributions for charged-particle jets in \pp{} collisions compared to those in \PbPb{} collisions at $\sqrts=5.02$ TeV with $\zcut = 0.2$ for 0--10\% centrality for $R=0.2$ (left) and 30--50\% centrality for $R=0.4$ (right). The distributions are normalized to the inclusive jet cross section in the $60 < \pTjet < 80$ GeV/$c$ interval, and $f_{\mathrm{tagged}}$ indicates the fraction of splittings that were tagged to pass the SD condition in the selected \pTjet{} interval. The ratios in the bottom panel are compared to the following theoretical predictions: JETSCAPE~\cite{Putschke:2019yrg}, JEWEL~\cite{Zapp:2012ak, Zapp:2013vla}, Caucal et al.~\cite{Caucal:2019uvr, Caucal_2018}, Pablos et al.~\cite{HybridModel, HybridModelResolution, Casalderrey-Solana:2019ubu}, and Yuan et al.~\cite{Ringer:2019rfk}. Further details can be found in Ref. \cite{THE_PUBLIC_NOTE}.
Unfolded \tg{} distributions for charged-particle jets in \pp{} collisions compared to those in \PbPb{} collisions at $\sqrts=5.02$ TeV with $\zcut = 0.2$ for 0--10\% centrality for $R=0.2$ (left) and 30--50\% centrality for $R=0.4$ (right). The distributions are normalized to the inclusive jet cross section in the $60 < \pTjet < 80$ GeV/$c$ interval, and $f_{\mathrm{tagged}}$ indicates the fraction of splittings that were tagged to pass the SD condition in the selected \pTjet{} interval. The ratios in the bottom panel are compared to the following theoretical predictions: JETSCAPE~\cite{Putschke:2019yrg}, JEWEL~\cite{Zapp:2012ak, Zapp:2013vla}, Caucal et al.~\cite{Caucal:2019uvr, Caucal_2018}, Pablos et al.~\cite{HybridModel, HybridModelResolution, Casalderrey-Solana:2019ubu}, and Yuan et al.~\cite{Ringer:2019rfk}. Further details can be found in Ref. \cite{THE_PUBLIC_NOTE}.