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Report number LBL-36445
Title Superdeformation in the bismuth nuclei
Author(s) Clark, R M ; Bouneau, S ; Azaiez, F ; Asztalos, S J ; Becker, J A ; Cederwall, Bo ; Deleplanque, M A ; Diamond, R M ; Duprat, J ; Fallon, P ; Farris, L P ; Henry, E A ; Hughes, J R ; Kelly, W H ; Lee, I Y ; Macchiavelli, A O ; Porquet, M G ; Sharpey-Schafer, J F ; Stephens, F S ; Stoyer, M A ; Vo, D T ; Wilson, A N
Publication 1994
Imprint 20 Nov 1994
Number of pages 20
Published in: Phys. Rev. C
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Record creato 1995-02-21, modificato l'ultima volta il 2015-05-21

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