CERN Accelerating science

Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves: Summary and Outlook - Berlin, A. et al - arXiv:2105.00992KCL-PH-TH/2021-28CERN-TH-2021-068
Geographical distribution of SRGW2021 participants (left) and time evolution of registrations (right).
Geographical distribution of SRGW2021 participants (left) and time evolution of registrations (right).
Measurements of the seismic noise power spectrum in the LHC tunnel~\cite{CDGC}.
A 37-km storage ring lattice optimized as a GW antenna.
The principle of atom interferometry~\cite{Arvanitaki:2016fyj}: blue lines are atoms in the ground state, red dashed lines are atoms in the excited state and the wavy lines are laser pulses; and a typical interference pattern.
One possible location of the 100m Stage 2 of AION at CERN is in the PX46 access shaft to the LHC.
The sensitivities of various AION stages to ULDM couplings to electrons (left), photons (middle) and through a Higgs portal (right)~\cite{Badurina:2019hst}
The sensitivities of various AION stages to gravitational wave strain as functions of frequency, compared with the sensitivities of LIGO, LISA and ET, indicating also the signals expected for mergers of black holes of various masses at different redshifts $z$~\cite{AEDGE}.
The estimated signal-to-noise ratios attainable with AION 100m for mergers of black holes of masses $M$ at different redshifts $z$.~\cite{Badurina:2019hst}
The landscape of the GW frequency spectrum, illustrating the ranges in which various astrophysical and cosmological sources are expected, and the sensitivities of some present and planned experiments. Also shown are the frequency ranges targeted by some of the proposals discussed during this Workshop.