CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Rojas-Ciofalo, Diana and Cordero, Adriana and
                       Hernández-Sánchez, Jaime and Keus, Venus and Moretti,
                       Stefano and Sokolowska, Dorota",
      title         = "{Dark Matter Signals at the LHC from a 3HDM}",
      archivePrefix = "arXiv",
      eprint        = "1907.12522",
      reportNumber  = "PoS(LHCP2019)013",
      journal       = "PoS",
      volume        = "LHCP2019",
      pages         = "013",
      year          = "2019",
      url           = "",
      note          = "7th Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics -
  20-25 May, 2019 Puebla, Mexico, drawn from
      doi           = "10.22323/1.350.0013",