CERN Accelerating science

Active-sterile mixing in the muon flavour $U_{\mu i}^2$, as a function of the sterile neutrino mass $M_i$, for viable solutions accounting for neutrino masses and mixings as well as BAU, for normal (left) and inverted (right) ordering of the active neutrino mass spectrum. (Not) fine-tuned solutions are represented in (blue) red, see~\protect\cite{Abada:2018oly} for details. The grey area is excluded by direct experimental searches of sterile neutrinos, while the lines represent the expected sensitivities of ongoing experiments; LHC experiments sensitivities are based on $pp$ searches.
Sensitivity of the CMS detector to heavy neutrinos produced in the decay of $W$ bosons (left) and $B$ mesons (right), from the collision of protons (dashed blue lines), Ar (hashed green bands) and Pb (continuous red lines) with integrated luminosities corresponding roughly to one month of running. The green band takes into account the current uncertainties on the performance of LHC with Ar isotopes, which affect the achievable beam intensity.
Sensitivity of the CMS detector to heavy neutrinos produced in the decay of $W$ bosons (left) and $B$ mesons (right), from the collision of protons (dashed blue lines), Ar (hashed green bands) and Pb (continuous red lines) with integrated luminosities corresponding roughly to one month of running. The green band takes into account the current uncertainties on the performance of LHC with Ar isotopes, which affect the achievable beam intensity.
Active-sterile mixing in the muon flavour $U_{\mu i}^2$, as a function of the sterile neutrino mass $M_i$, for viable solutions accounting for neutrino masses and mixings as well as BAU, for normal (left) and inverted (right) ordering of the active neutrino mass spectrum. (Not) fine-tuned solutions are represented in (blue) red, see~\protect\cite{Abada:2018oly} for details. The grey area is excluded by direct experimental searches of sterile neutrinos, while the lines represent the expected sensitivities of ongoing experiments; LHC experiments sensitivities are based on $pp$ searches.