CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Real photon emissions leptonic decays
Author(s) Martinelli, Guido (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) ; Di Carlo, M (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) ; Mazzetti, F (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) ; de Divitiis, G M   (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Desiderio, A (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Frezzotti, R (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Garofalo, M (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Hansen, M (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Tantalo, N (Rome U., Tor Vergata ; INFN, Rome2) ; Giusti, D (Rome III U. ; INFN, Rome3) ; Lubicz, V (Rome III U. ; INFN, Rome3) ; Sachrajda, C T (Southampton U.) ; Sanfilippo, F (INFN, Rome3) ; Simula, S (INFN, Rome3)
Publication SISSA, 2019
Number of pages 7
In: PoS LATTICE2019 (2019) 198
In: 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 16 - 22 Jun 2019, pp.198
DOI 10.22323/1.363.0198
Subject category Particle Physics - Lattice
Abstract We present a non-perturbative calculation of the form factors which contribute to the amplitudes for the radiative decays $P\to \ell \bar \nu_\ell \gamma$, where $P$ is a pseudoscalar meson and $\ell$ is a charged lepton. Together with the non-perturbative determination of the virtual photon corrections to the processes $P\to \ell \bar \nu_\ell$, this will allow accurate predictions to be made at $O(\alpha_{em})$ for leptonic decay rates for pseudoscalar mesons ranging from the pion to the $B$ meson. We are able to separate unambiguously the point-like contribution, the square of which leads to the infrared divergence in the decay rate, from the structure dependent, infrared-safe, terms in the amplitude. The fully non-perturbative, $O(a)$ improved calculation of the inclusive leptonic decay rates will lead to significantly improved precision in the determination of the corresponding Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements. Precise predictions for the emission of a hard photon are also very interesting, especially for the decays of heavy $D$ and $B$ mesons for which currently only model-dependent predictions are available to compare with existing experimental data.
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