CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Single-longitudinal-mode pumped pulsed-dye amplifier for high-resolution laser spectroscopy
Author(s) Verlinde, M (Leuven U.) ; Ferrer, R (Leuven U.) ; Claessens, A (Leuven U.) ; Granados, C A (Leuven U. ; CERN) ; Kraemer, S (Leuven U.) ; Kudryavtsev, Yu (Leuven U.) ; Li, D (Unlisted, DE) ; Van den Bergh, P (Leuven U.) ; Van Duppen, P (Leuven U.) ; Verstraelen, E (Leuven U.)
Publication 2020
In: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020) 103002
DOI 10.1063/5.0017985
Abstract The In-Gas-jet Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy (IGLIS) technique relies on narrow-bandwidth, high-peak-power, short-pulse-length (≈10 ns), and high-repetition-rate laser pulses to probe, precisely and efficiently, the hyperfine structure of medium-heavy and heavy isotopes, embedded in a supersonic jet. The power and repetition rate requirements of the laser system are met by combining ≈100 W, 8 ns pulse width, 10 kHz commercial Nd:YAG pump lasers with a single-mode continuous wave seeded Pulsed Dye Amplifier (PDA). The common multi-longitudinal-mode operation of these Nd:YAG pump lasers causes, however, undesirable frequency sidebands in the output spectrum of the PDA system, hindering the attainable spectral resolution, a correct interpretation, and an accurate analysis of the hyperfine spectra. In this article, a new prototype Nd:YAG laser is presented, which combined with the PDA system is capable of providing quasi-transform-limited laser pulses at 10 kHz, with only limited losses in laser power. This system reduces any spectral sideband amplitude below a proven upper limit of 0.2% with one order of magnitude extra reduction expected based on simulations. A full characterization of both the Nd:YAG and PDA laser systems is done by studying the temporal and frequency behavior in detail. This study is finalized by a performance benchmark of this combined laser system in the hyperfine spectroscopy of copper isotopes, showcasing its applicability for future IGLIS studies.

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 Record created 2020-11-14, last modified 2020-11-14