CERN Accelerating science

002711390 001__ 2711390
002711390 003__ SzGeCERN
002711390 005__ 20200225225728.0
002711390 0247_ $$2DOI$$9Elsevier$$a10.1016/j.nima.2020.163422
002711390 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:CERN$$qINSPIRE:HEP$$qForCDS
002711390 035__ $$9$$$$d2020-02-24T16:54:08Z$$h2020-02-25T05:00:13Z$$mmarcxml
002711390 035__ $$9Inspire$$a1780020
002711390 041__ $$aeng
002711390 100__ $$aUngaro, [email protected]$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 245__ $$9Elsevier$$aThe CLAS12 Geant4 simulation
002711390 260__ $$c2020
002711390 300__ $$a20 p
002711390 520__ $$9Elsevier$$aThe Geant4 Monte-Carlo (GEMC) package is used to simulate the passage of particles through the various CLAS12 detectors. The geometry is implemented through a database of Geant4 volumes created either through the GEMC native API, by the CLAS12 geometry service, or imported from the CAD engineering model. The truth information is digitized with a plugin mechanism by routines specific to each detector and includes the use of the CLAS12 calibration database constants to produce both ADC and TDC response functions. Theoretical models that produce the generated events interface with GEMC through the LUND data format. The merging of simulated data with real random trigger data provides a mechanism to include both beam and electronic background into the simulation of generated events to accurately model beam data from the CLAS12 detector. The performance of simulation is demonstrated by comparison with the experimental data.
002711390 542__ $$3publication$$f© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
002711390 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aDetectors and Experimental Techniques
002711390 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aComputing and Computers
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aGeant4
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aGEMC
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aSimulation
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aSoftware
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aDatabase
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aMonte Carlo
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aCAD
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aSTL
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aGDML
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aMYSQL
002711390 6531_ $$9author$$aC++
002711390 690C_ $$aCERN
002711390 693__ $$aNot applicable$$eRD44
002711390 700__ $$aAngelini, G$$uGeorge Washington U.
002711390 700__ $$aBattaglieri, M$$uINFN, Genoa
002711390 700__ $$aBurkert, V D$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aCarman, D S$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aChatagnon, P$$uOrsay, IAS
002711390 700__ $$aContalbrigo, M$$uINFM, Ferrara
002711390 700__ $$aDefurne, M$$uIRFU, Saclay
002711390 700__ $$aDe Vita, R$$uINFN, Genoa
002711390 700__ $$aDuran, B$$uTemple U.
002711390 700__ $$aFair, R$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aGarçon, M$$uIRFU, Saclay
002711390 700__ $$aGhoshal, P$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aRajput-Ghoshal, R$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aGotra, Y$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aJoosten, S$$uArgonne (main)
002711390 700__ $$aKim, A$$uUConn, Storrs
002711390 700__ $$aLersch, D$$uFlorida State U.
002711390 700__ $$aMarkov, N$$uUConn, Storrs
002711390 700__ $$aMestayer, M D$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aMiller, R$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aMirazita, M$$uFrascati
002711390 700__ $$aNewton, J$$uOld Dominion U. (main)
002711390 700__ $$aNiccolai, S$$uOrsay, IAS
002711390 700__ $$aPhelps, W$$uGeorge Washington U.
002711390 700__ $$aProcureur, S$$uIRFU, Saclay
002711390 700__ $$aProk, Y$$uVirginia Commonwealth U.$$uOld Dominion U. (main)$$vVirginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 23284, USA
002711390 700__ $$aPuckett, A$$uUConn, Storrs
002711390 700__ $$aSokhan, D$$uGlasgow U.
002711390 700__ $$aStepanyan, S$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aVlassov, A$$uCERN$$uMoscow, ITEP
002711390 700__ $$aWang, R$$uOrsay, IAS
002711390 700__ $$aWiggins, C$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 700__ $$aZiegler, V$$uJefferson Lab
002711390 773__ $$c163422$$pNucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A$$v959$$y2020
002711390 960__ $$a13
002711390 980__ $$aARTICLE
002711390 999C5 $$hBurkert, V.D.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o1$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 spectrometer at Jefferson laboratory$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hFair, R.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o2$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 superconducting magnets$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hMestayer, M.D.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o3$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 drift chamber system$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hUngaro, M.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o4$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 low threshold Cherenkov counter$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hSharabian, Y.G.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o5$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 high threshold Cherenkov counter$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hContalbrigo, M.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o6$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 ring imaging Cherenkov detector$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hCarman, D.S.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o7$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 forward time-of-flight system$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hAsryan, G.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o8$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 pre-shower calorimeter$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hAntonioli, M.A.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o9$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 silicon vertex tracker$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hAcker, A.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o10$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 micromegas vertex tracker$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hCarman, D.S.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o11$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 central time-of-flight system$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hChatagnon, P.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o12$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 central neutron detector$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hAcker, A.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o13$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 forward tagger$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$hM. Ungaro$$mGEMC: A Geant4 simulation framework, URL$$o14$$u
002711390 999C5 $$adoi:10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01368-8$$hAgostinelli, S.$$o15$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,506,250$$tGeant4—a simulation toolkit$$v506$$y2003
002711390 999C5 $$adoi:10.1016/S0168-9002(00)00996-7$$hAmarian, M.$$o16$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A460,239$$tThe CLAS forward electromagnetic calorimeter$$v460$$y2001
002711390 999C5 $$hBaltzell, N.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o17$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 beamline and its performance$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hZiegler, V.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o18$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 software framework and event reconstruction$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$hM. Ungaro$$mThe CLAS12 Simulation Software and Geometry repository, URL$$o19$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mWikipedia, The STEP file format, URL$$o20$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mThe FreeCAD Team, FreeCad: a 3D parametric modeler, URL$$o21$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mWikipedia, Runge-Kutta methods, URL$$o22$$u
002711390 999C5 $$hBoyarinov, S.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o23$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 data acquisition system$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$hRaydo, B.$$m(in press) (see this issue)$$o24$$sNucl.Instrum.Meth.,A,(in press) (see this issue)$$tThe CLAS12 trigger system$$y2020
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mThe Calibration Constant Database wikipage, URL$$o25$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mJefferson Lab Data Acquisition, The EVIO data format, URL$$o26$$u
002711390 999C5 $$adoi:10.1016/j.cpc.2011.02.008$$hAntcheva, I.$$o27$$sComput.Phys.Commun.,182,1384$$tROOT: A C++ framework for petabyte data storage, statistical analysis and visualization$$v182$$y2011
002711390 999C5 $$hUngaro, M.$$o28$$tCorrections to CLAS12 Target Design$$u$$y2017
002711390 999C5 $$hBurkert, V.D.$$hStepanyan, S.$$hTan, J.A.$$hUngaro, M.$$o29$$tBeam Position Study on a 3.5 mm Shifted Target Cell$$u$$y2017
002711390 999C5 $$hBurkert, V.D.$$hGotra, Y.$$hUngaro, M.$$o30$$tStudy of Tungsten Shielding Around the CLAS12 Target$$u$$y2018
002711390 999C5 $$hVita, R.D.$$hUngaro, M.$$o31$$tImporting CLAS12 CAD Models of Target and Beamline in the GEMC Simulation$$u$$y2017
002711390 999C5 $$hVita, R.D.$$hElouadrhiri, L.$$hKim, A.$$hMiller, R.$$hStepanyan, S.$$hTan, J.A.$$hUngaro, M.$$hWiggins, C.$$hZarecky, M.$$o32$$tCorrections to CLAS12 Vacuum Beamline$$u$$y2017
002711390 999C5 $$hVita, R.D.$$hCarman, D.S.$$hSmith, C.$$hStepanyan, S.$$hUngaro, M.$$o33$$tStudy of the Electromagnetic Background Rates in CLAS12$$u$$y2017
002711390 999C5 $$adoi:10.1109/TASC.2018.2884968$$hGhoshal, P.K.$$hBeck, J.M.$$hFair, R.J.$$hKashy, D.H.$$hMestayer, M.D.$$hMeyers, J.$$hNewton, J.$$hRajput-Ghoshal, R.$$hTremblay, K.$$hWiggins, C.L.$$o34$$sIEEE Trans.Appl.Supercond.,29,4000310$$tMagnetic field mapping of the CLAS12 torus: A comparative study between the engineering model and measurements at JLab$$v29$$y2018
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mThe Jefferson Lab Docker Hub, URL$$o35$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$hA Class Library$$mThe CLHEP project, CLHEP - for High Energy Physics, URL$$o36$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mThe Apache XML project, The Xerces-C++ XML Parser, URL$$o37$$u
002711390 999C5 $$9refextract$$mThe QT Company, QT: a cross-platform SDK, URL$$o38$$u