CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:2001.00976 ; LA-UR-19-30930
Title First Exploration of Neutron Shell Structure Below Lead and Beyond $\boldsymbol{N=126}$
Author(s) Tang, T.L. (Argonne) ; Kay, B.P. (Argonne) ; Hoffman, C.R. (Argonne) ; Schiffer, J.P. (Argonne) ; Sharp, D.K. (Manchester U.) ; Gaffney, L.P. (CERN) ; Freeman, S.J. (Manchester U.) ; Mumpower, M.R. ; Arokiaraj, A. ; Baader, E.F. (CERN) ; Butler, P.A. (Liverpool U.) ; Catford, W.N. (Surrey U.) ; de Angelis, G. (INFN, Legnaro) ; Flavigny, F. (Orsay, IPN ; Caen U.) ; Gott, M.D. (Argonne) ; Gregor, E.T. (INFN, Legnaro) ; Konki, J. (CERN) ; Labiche, M. (Daresbury) ; Lazurus, I.H. (Daresbury) ; MacGregor, P.T. (Manchester U.) ; Martel, I. (Liverpool U.) ; Page, R.D. (Liverpool U.) ; Podolyák, Zs. (Surrey U.) ; Poleshchuk, O. (Leuven U.) ; Raabe, R. (Leuven U.) ; Recchia, F. (Padua U., Astron. Dept. ; INFN, Padua) ; Smith, J.F. (SUPA, UK) ; Szwec, S.V. (Jyvaskyla U.) ; Yang, J. (Leuven U.)
Publication 2020-02-14
Imprint 2020-01-03
Number of pages 7
Note 6 pages, 5 figures
In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 062502
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.062502
Subject category nucl-th ; Nuclear Physics - Theory ; nucl-ex ; Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Abstract The nuclei below lead but with more than 126 neutrons are crucial to an understanding of the astrophysical $r$-process in producing nuclei heavier than $A\sim190$. Despite their importance, the structure and properties of these nuclei remain experimentally untested as they are difficult to produce in nuclear reactions with stable beams. In a first exploration of the shell structure of this region, neutron excitations in $^{207}$Hg have been probed using the neutron-adding ($d$,$p$) reaction in inverse kinematics. The radioactive beam of $^{206}$Hg was delivered to the new ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer at an energy above the Coulomb barrier. The spectroscopy of $^{207}$Hg marks a first step in improving our understanding of the relevant structural properties of nuclei involved in a key part of the path of the $r$-process.
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publication: © 2020-2025 authors

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