author = "Sirunyan, Albert M and Tumasyan, Armen and Adam, Wolfgang
and Ambrogi, Federico and Bergauer, Thomas and
Brandstetter, Johannes and Dragicevic, Marko and Erö,
Janos and Escalante Del Valle, Alberto and Flechl, Martin
and Fruehwirth, Rudolf and Jeitler, Manfred and Krammer,
Natascha and Krätschmer, Ilse and Liko, Dietrich and
Madlener, Thomas and Mikulec, Ivan and Rad, Navid and
Schieck, Jochen and Schöfbeck, Robert and Spanring, Markus
and Spitzbart, Daniel and Waltenberger, Wolfgang and Wulz,
Claudia-Elisabeth and Zarucki, Mateusz and Drugakov,
Vladimir and Mossolov, Vladimir and Suarez Gonzalez, Juan
and Darwish, Mohamed Rashad and De Wolf, Eddi A and Di
Croce, Davide and Janssen, Xavier and Lelek, Aleksandra and
Pieters, Maxim and Rejeb Sfar, Haifa and Van Haevermaet,
Hans and Van Mechelen, Pierre and Van Putte, Senne and Van
Remortel, Nick and Blekman, Freya and Bols, Emil Sørensen
and Chhibra, Simranjit Singh and D'Hondt, Jorgen and De
Clercq, Jarne and Lontkovskyi, Denys and Lowette, Steven
and Marchesini, Ivan and Moortgat, Seth and Python, Quentin
and Skovpen, Kirill and Tavernier, Stefaan and Van Doninck,
Walter and Van Mulders, Petra and Beghin, Diego and Bilin,
Bugra and Brun, Hugues and Clerbaux, Barbara and De
Lentdecker, Gilles and Delannoy, Hugo and Dorney, Brian and
Favart, Laurent and Grebenyuk, Anastasia and Kalsi,
Amandeep Kaur and Popov, Andrey and Postiau, Nicolas and
Starling, Elizabeth and Thomas, Laurent and Vander Velde,
Catherine and Vanlaer, Pascal and Vannerom, David and
Cornelis, Tom and Dobur, Didar and Khvastunov, Illia and
Niedziela, Marek and Roskas, Christos and Tytgat, Michael
and Verbeke, Willem and Vermassen, Basile and Vit, Martina
and Bondu, Olivier and Bruno, Giacomo and Caputo, Claudio
and David, Pieter and Delaere, Christophe and Delcourt,
Martin and Giammanco, Andrea and Lemaitre, Vincent and
Prisciandaro, Jessica and Saggio, Alessia and Vidal Marono,
Miguel and Vischia, Pietro and Zobec, Joze and Alves,
Fábio Lúcio and Alves, Gilvan and Correia Silva, Gilson
and Hensel, Carsten and Moraes, Arthur and Rebello Teles,
Patricia and Belchior Batista Das Chagas, Ewerton and
Carvalho, Wagner and Chinellato, Jose and Coelho, Eduardo
and Melo Da Costa, Eliza and Da Silveira, Gustavo Gil and
De Jesus Damiao, Dilson and De Oliveira Martins, Carley and
Fonseca De Souza, Sandro and Huertas Guativa, Lina Milena
and Malbouisson, Helena and Martins, Jordan and Matos
Figueiredo, Diego and Medina Jaime, Miguel and Melo De
Almeida, Miqueias and Mora Herrera, Clemencia and Mundim,
Luiz and Nogima, Helio and Prado Da Silva, Wanda Lucia and
Sanchez Rosas, Luis Junior and Santoro, Alberto and
Sznajder, Andre and Thiel, Mauricio and Tonelli Manganote,
Edmilson José and Torres Da Silva De Araujo, Felipe and
Vilela Pereira, Antonio and Bernardes, Cesar Augusto and
Calligaris, Luigi and Tomei, Thiago and De Moraes Gregores,
Eduardo and De Souza Lemos, Dener and Mercadante, Pedro G
and Novaes, Sergio F and Padula, Sandra and Aleksandrov,
Aleksandar and Antchev, Georgy and Hadjiiska, Roumyana and
Iaydjiev, Plamen and Misheva, Milena and Rodozov, Mircho
and Shopova, Mariana and Sultanov, Georgi and Bonchev,
Miroslav and Dimitrov, Anton and Ivanov, Todor and Litov,
Leander and Pavlov, Borislav and Petkov, Peicho and Fang,
Wenxing and Gao, Xuyang and Yuan, Li and Ahmad, Muhammad
and Hu, Zhen and Wang, Yi and Chen, Guo-Ming and Chen,
He-Sheng and Chen, Mingshui and Jiang, Chun-Hua and Leggat,
Duncan and Liao, Hongbo and Liu, Zhenan and Spiezia,
Aniello and Tao, Junquan and Yazgan, Efe and Zhang, Huaqiao
and Zhang, Sijing and Zhao, Jingzhou and Agapitos, Antonis
and Ban, Yong and Chen, Geng and Levin, Andrew and Li, Jing
and Li, Linwei and Li, Qiang and Mao, Yajun and Qian,
Si-Jin and Wang, Dayong and Wang, Qun and Xiao, Meng and
Avila, Carlos and Cabrera, Andrés and Florez, Carlos and
González Hernández, Carlos Felipe and Segura Delgado,
Manuel Alejandro and Mejia Guisao, Jhovanny and Ruiz
Alvarez, José David and Salazar González, Camilo Andrés
and Vanegas Arbelaez, Nelson and Giljanović, Duje and
Godinovic, Nikola and Lelas, Damir and Puljak, Ivica and
Sculac, Toni and Antunovic, Zeljko and Kovac, Marko and
Brigljevic, Vuko and Ferencek, Dinko and Kadija, Kreso and
Mesic, Benjamin and Roguljic, Matej and Starodumov, Andrei
and Susa, Tatjana and Ather, Mohsan Waseem and Attikis,
Alexandros and Erodotou, Eleni and Ioannou, Aimilios and
Kolosova, Marina and Konstantinou, Sotiroulla and
Mavromanolakis, Georgios and Mousa, Jehad and Nicolaou,
Charalambos and Ptochos, Fotios and Razis, Panos A and
Rykaczewski, Hans and Tsiakkouri, Demetra and Finger,
Miroslav and Finger Jr, Michael and Kveton, Antonin and
Tomsa, Jan and Ayala, Edy and Carrera Jarrin, Edgar and
Abdalla, Hassan and Elgammal, Sherif and Bhowmik, Sandeep
and Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, Alexandra and Dewanjee,
Ram Krishna and Ehataht, Karl and Kadastik, Mario and
Raidal, Martti and Veelken, Christian and Eerola, Paula and
Forthomme, Laurent and Kirschenmann, Henning and Osterberg,
Kenneth and Voutilainen, Mikko and Garcia Fuentes,
Francisco Ignacio and Havukainen, Joona and Heikkilä,
Jaana Kristiina and Karimäki, Veikko and Kim, Min Suk and
Kinnunen, Ritva and Lampén, Tapio and Lassila-Perini, Kati
and Laurila, Santeri and Lehti, Sami and Lindén, Tomas and
Luukka, Panja-Riina and Mäenpää, Teppo and Siikonen,
Hannu and Tuominen, Eija and Tuominiemi, Jorma and Tuuva,
Tuure and Besancon, Marc and Couderc, Fabrice and Dejardin,
Marc and Denegri, Daniel and Fabbro, Bernard and Faure,
Jean-Louis and Ferri, Federico and Ganjour, Serguei and
Givernaud, Alain and Gras, Philippe and Hamel de
Monchenault, Gautier and Jarry, Patrick and Leloup,
Clément and Lenzi, Bruno and Locci, Elizabeth and Malcles,
Julie and Rander, John and Rosowsky, André and Sahin,
Mehmet Özgür and Savoy-Navarro, Aurore and Titov, Maksym
and Ahuja, Sudha and Amendola, Chiara and Beaudette,
Florian and Busson, Philippe and Charlot, Claude and Diab,
Batoul and Falmagne, Guillaume and Granier de Cassagnac,
Raphael and Kucher, Inna and Lobanov, Artur and Martin
Perez, Cristina and Nguyen, Matthew and Ochando, Christophe
and Paganini, Pascal and Rembser, Jonas and Salerno,
Roberto and Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste and Sirois, Yves and
Zabi, Alexandre and Zghiche, Amina and Agram, Jean-Laurent
and Andrea, Jeremy and Bloch, Daniel and Bourgatte,
Guillaume and Brom, Jean-Marie and Chabert, Eric Christian
and Collard, Caroline and Conte, Eric and Fontaine,
Jean-Charles and Gelé, Denis and Goerlach, Ulrich and
Jansová, Markéta and Le Bihan, Anne-Catherine and Tonon,
Nicolas and Van Hove, Pierre and Gadrat, Sébastien and
Beauceron, Stephanie and Bernet, Colin and Boudoul, Gaelle
and Camen, Camille and Carle, Aurélien and Chanon, Nicolas
and Chierici, Roberto and Contardo, Didier and Depasse,
Pierre and El Mamouni, Houmani and Fay, Jean and Gascon,
Susan and Gouzevitch, Maxime and Ille, Bernard and Jain,
Sandhya and Lagarde, Francois and Laktineh, Imad Baptiste
and Lattaud, Hugues and Lesauvage, Antoine and Lethuillier,
Morgan and Mirabito, Laurent and Perries, Stephane and
Sordini, Viola and Torterotot, Lucas and Touquet, Gaël and
Vander Donckt, Muriel and Viret, Sébastien and
Khvedelidze, Arsen and Tsamalaidze, Zviad and Autermann,
Christian and Feld, Lutz and Kiesel, Maximilian Knut and
Klein, Katja and Lipinski, Martin and Meuser, Danilo and
Pauls, Alexander and Preuten, Marius and Rauch, Max Philip
and Schulz, Johannes and Teroerde, Marius and Wittmer,
Bruno and Erdmann, Martin and Fischer, Benjamin and Ghosh,
Saranya and Hebbeker, Thomas and Hoepfner, Kerstin and
Keller, Henning and Mastrolorenzo, Luca and Merschmeyer,
Markus and Meyer, Arnd and Millet, Philipp and Mocellin,
Giovanni and Mondal, Spandan and Mukherjee, Swagata and
Noll, Dennis and Novak, Andrzej and Pook, Tobias and
Pozdnyakov, Andrey and Quast, Thorben and Radziej, Markus
and Rath, Yannik and Reithler, Hans and Roemer, Jonas and
Schmidt, Alexander and Schuler, Simon Christoph and Sharma,
Archana and Wiedenbeck, Sebastian and Zaleski, Shawn and
Flügge, Günter and Haj Ahmad, Wael and Hlushchenko, Olena
and Kress, Thomas and Müller, Thomas and Nowack, Andreas
and Pistone, Claudia and Pooth, Oliver and Roy, Dennis and
Sert, Hale and Stahl, Achim and Aldaya Martin, Maria and
Asmuss, Paul and Babounikau, Illia and Bakhshiansohi, Hamed
and Beernaert, Kelly and Behnke, Olaf and Bermúdez
Martínez, Armando and Bertsche, David and Bin Anuar, Afiq
Aizuddin and Borras, Kerstin and Botta, Valeria and
Campbell, Alan and Cardini, Andrea and Connor, Patrick and
Consuegra Rodríguez, Sandra and Contreras-Campana,
Christian and Danilov, Vladyslav and De Wit, Adinda and
Defranchis, Matteo Maria and Diez Pardos, Carmen and
Domínguez Damiani, Daniela and Eckerlin, Guenter and
Eckstein, Doris and Eichhorn, Thomas and Elwood, Adam and
Eren, Engin and Gallo, Elisabetta and Geiser, Achim and
Grohsjean, Alexander and Guthoff, Moritz and Haranko,
Mykyta and Harb, Ali and Jafari, Abideh and Jomhari, Nur
Zulaiha and Jung, Hannes and Mohamed, Ashraf and Kasemann,
Matthias and Kaveh, Hessamoddin and Keaveney, James and
Kleinwort, Claus and Knolle, Joscha and Krücker, Dirk and
Lange, Wolfgang and Lenz, Teresa and Lidrych, Jindrich and
Lipka, Katerina and Lohmann, Wolfgang and Mankel, Rainer
and Melzer-Pellmann, Isabell-Alissandra and Meyer, Andreas
Bernhard and Meyer, Mareike and Missiroli, Marino and
Mittag, Gregor and Mnich, Joachim and Mussgiller, Andreas
and Myronenko, Volodymyr and Pérez Adán, Danyer and
Pflitsch, Svenja Karen and Pitzl, Daniel and Raspereza,
Alexei and Saibel, Andrej and Savitskyi, Mykola and
Scheurer, Valerie and Schütze, Paul and Schwanenberger,
Christian and Shevchenko, Rostyslav and Singh, Akshansh and
Tholen, Heiner and Turkot, Oleksii and Vagnerini, Antonio
and Van De Klundert, Merijn and Walsh, Roberval and Wen,
Yiwen and Wichmann, Katarzyna and Wissing, Christoph and
Zenaiev, Oleksandr and Zlebcik, Radek and Aggleton, Robin
and Bein, Samuel and Benato, Lisa and Benecke, Anna and
Blobel, Volker and Dreyer, Torben and Ebrahimi, Aliakbar
and Feindt, Finn and Fröhlich, Alexander and Garbers,
Christoph and Garutti, Erika and Gonzalez, Daniel and
Gunnellini, Paolo and Haller, Johannes and Hinzmann,
Andreas and Karavdina, Anastasia and Kasieczka, Gregor and
Klanner, Robert and Kogler, Roman and Kovalchuk, Nataliia
and Kurz, Simon and Kutzner, Viktor and Lange, Johannes and
Lange, Torben and Malara, Andrea and Multhaup, Jens and
Niemeyer, Caroline Elisabeth Niniane and Perieanu, Adrian
and Reimers, Arne and Rieger, Oliver and Scharf, Christian
and Schleper, Peter and Schumann, Svenja and Schwandt,
Joern and Sonneveld, Jory and Stadie, Hartmut and
Steinbrück, Georg and Stober, Fred-Markus Helmut and
Vormwald, Benedikt and Zoi, Irene and Akbiyik, Melike and
Barth, Christian and Baselga, Marta and Baur, Sebastian and
Berger, Thomas and Butz, Erik and Caspart, René and
Chwalek, Thorsten and De Boer, Wim and Dierlamm, Alexander
and El Morabit, Karim and Faltermann, Nils and Giffels,
Manuel and Goldenzweig, Pablo and Gottmann, Artur and
Harrendorf, Marco Alexander and Hartmann, Frank and
Husemann, Ulrich and Kudella, Simon and Mitra, Soureek and
Mozer, Matthias Ulrich and Müller, Denise and Müller,
Thomas and Musich, Marco and Nürnberg, Andreas and Quast,
Gunter and Rabbertz, Klaus and Schröder, Matthias and
Shvetsov, Ivan and Simonis, Hans-Jürgen and Ulrich, Ralf
and Wassmer, Michael and Weber, Marc and Wöhrmann, Clemens
and Wolf, Roger and Anagnostou, Georgios and Asenov,
Patrick and Daskalakis, Georgios and Geralis, Theodoros and
Kyriakis, Aristotelis and Loukas, Demetrios and Paspalaki,
Garyfallia and Diamantopoulou, Magda and Karathanasis,
George and Kontaxakis, Pantelis and Manousakis-katsikakis,
Arkadios and Panagiotou, Apostolos and Papavergou, Ioanna
and Saoulidou, Niki and Stakia, Anna and Theofilatos,
Konstantinos and Vellidis, Konstantinos and Vourliotis,
Emmanouil and Bakas, Georgios and Kousouris, Konstantinos
and Papakrivopoulos, Ioannis and Tsipolitis, Georgios and
Evangelou, Ioannis and Foudas, Costas and Paraskevas
Gianneios and Katsoulis, Panagiotis and Kokkas, Panagiotis
and Mallios, Stavros and Manitara, Kalliopi and Manthos,
Nikolaos and Papadopoulos, Ioannis and Strologas, John and
Triantis, Frixos A and Tsitsonis, Dimitrios and Bartók,
Márton and Chudasama, Ruchi and Csanad, Mate and Major,
Péter and Mandal, Koushik and Mehta, Ankita and Nagy,
Marton Imre and Pasztor, Gabriella and Surányi, Olivér
and Veres, Gabor Istvan and Bencze, Gyorgy and Hajdu, Csaba
and Horvath, Dezso and Sikler, Ferenc and Vámi, Tamás
Álmos and Veszpremi, Viktor and Vesztergombi, Gyorgy and
Beni, Noemi and Czellar, Sandor and Karancsi, János and
Makovec, Alajos and Molnar, Jozsef and Szillasi, Zoltan and
Raics, Peter and Teyssier, Daniel and Trocsanyi, Zoltan
Laszlo and Ujvari, Balazs and Csorgo, Tamas Ferenc and
Metzger, Wesley James and Nemes, Frigyes and Novak, Tamas
and Choudhury, Somnath and Komaragiri, Jyothsna Rani and
Tiwari, Praveen Chandra and Bahinipati, Seema and Kar,
Chandiprasad and Kole, Gouranga and Mal, Prolay and
Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, Vinaya Krishnan and Nayak, Aruna
and Sahoo, Deepak Kumar and Swain, Sanjay Kumar and Bansal,
Sunil and Beri, Suman Bala and Bhatnagar, Vipin and
Chauhan, Sushil and Chawla, Ridhi and Dhingra, Nitish and
Gupta, Rajat and Kaur, Anterpreet and Kaur, Manjit and
Kaur, Sandeep and Kumari, Priyanka and Lohan, Manisha and
Meena, Meena and Sandeep, Kaur and Sharma, Sandeep and
Singh, Jasbir and Kaur, Amandeep and Bhardwaj, Ashutosh and
Choudhary, Brajesh C and Garg, Rocky Bala and Gola, Mohit
and Keshri, Sumit and Kumar, Ashok and Naimuddin, Md and
Priyanka, Priyanka and Ranjan, Kirti and Shah, Aashaq and
Sharma, Ramkrishna and Bhardwaj, Rishika and Bharti, Monika
and Bhattacharya, Rajarshi and Bhattacharya, Satyaki and
Bhawandeep, Bhawandeep and Bhowmik, Debabrata and Dutta,
Suchandra and Ghosh, Shamik and Gomber, Bhawna and Maity,
Manas and Mondal, Kuntal and Nandan, Saswati and Purohit,
Arnab and Rout, Prasant Kumar and Saha, Gourab and Sarkar,
Subir and Sarkar, Tanmay and Sharan, Manoj and Singh, Bipen
and Thakur, Shalini and Behera, Prafulla Kumar and Kalbhor,
Pritam and Muhammad, Alibordi and Pujahari, Prabhat Ranjan
and Sharma, Ashish and Sikdar, Anup Kumar and Dutta,
Dipanwita and Jha, Vishwajeet and Kumar, Vineet and Mishra,
Dipak Kumar and Netrakanti, Pawan Kumar and Pant, Lalit
Mohan and Shukla, Prashant and Aziz, Tariq and Bhat,
Muzamil Ahmad and Dugad, Shashikant and Mohanty, Gagan
Bihari and Sur, Nairit and Kumar Verma, Ravindra and
Banerjee, Sudeshna and Bhattacharya, Soham and Chatterjee,
Suman and Das, Pallabi and Guchait, Monoranjan and
Karmakar, Saikat and Kumar, Sanjeev and Majumder, Gobinda
and Mazumdar, Kajari and Sahoo, Niladribihari and Sawant,
Siddhesh and Dube, Sourabh and Hegde, Vinay and Kansal,
Bhumika and Kapoor, Anshul and Kothekar, Kunal and Pandey,
Shubham and Rane, Aditee and Rastogi, Angira and Sharma,
Seema and Chenarani, Shirin and Eskandari Tadavani, Esmaeel
and Etesami, Seyed Mohsen and Khakzad, Mohsen and Mohammadi
Najafabadi, Mojtaba and Naseri, Mohsen and Rezaei
Hosseinabadi, Ferdos and Felcini, Marta and Grunewald,
Martin and Abbrescia, Marcello and Aly, Reham and Calabria,
Cesare and Colaleo, Anna and Creanza, Donato and Cristella,
Leonardo and De Filippis, Nicola and De Palma, Mauro and Di
Florio, Adriano and Elmetenawee, Walaa and Fiore, Luigi and
Gelmi, Andrea and Iaselli, Giuseppe and Ince, Merve and
Lezki, Samet and Maggi, Giorgio and Maggi, Marcello and
Miniello, Giorgia and My, Salvatore and Nuzzo, Salvatore
and Pompili, Alexis and Pugliese, Gabriella and Radogna,
Raffaella and Ranieri, Antonio and Selvaggi, Giovanna and
Silvestris, Lucia and Simone, Federica Maria and Venditti,
Rosamaria and Verwilligen, Piet and Abbiendi, Giovanni and
Battilana, Carlo and Bonacorsi, Daniele and Borgonovi, Lisa
and Braibant-Giacomelli, Sylvie and Campanini, Renato and
Capiluppi, Paolo and Castro, Andrea and Cavallo, Francesca
Romana and Ciocca, Claudia and Codispoti, Giuseppe and
Cuffiani, Marco and Dallavalle, Gaetano-Marco and Fabbri,
Fabrizio and Fanfani, Alessandra and Fontanesi, Elisa and
Giacomelli, Paolo and Grandi, Claudio and Guiducci, Luigi
and Iemmi, Fabio and Lo Meo, Sergio and Marcellini, Stefano
and Masetti, Gianni and Navarria, Francesco and Perrotta,
Andrea and Primavera, Federica and Rossi, Antonio and
Rovelli, Tiziano and Siroli, Gian Piero and Tosi, Nicolò
and Albergo, Sebastiano and Costa, Salvatore and Di Mattia,
Alessandro and Potenza, Renato and Tricomi, Alessia and
Tuve, Cristina and Barbagli, Giuseppe and Cassese, Antonio
and Ceccarelli, Rudy and Ciulli, Vitaliano and Civinini,
Carlo and D'Alessandro, Raffaello and Focardi, Ettore and
Latino, Giuseppe and Lenzi, Piergiulio and Meschini, Marco
and Paoletti, Simone and Sguazzoni, Giacomo and Viliani,
Lorenzo and Benussi, Luigi and Bianco, Stefano and Piccolo,
Davide and Bozzo, Marco and Ferro, Fabrizio and Mulargia,
Roberto and Robutti, Enrico and Tosi, Silvano and Benaglia,
Andrea and Beschi, Andrea and Brivio, Francesco and
Ciriolo, Vincenzo and Di Guida, Salvatore and Dinardo,
Mauro Emanuele and Dini, Paolo and Gennai, Simone and
Ghezzi, Alessio and Govoni, Pietro and Guzzi, Luca and
Malberti, Martina and Malvezzi, Sandra and Menasce, Dario
and Monti, Fabio and Moroni, Luigi and Paganoni, Marco and
Pedrini, Daniele and Ragazzi, Stefano and Tabarelli de
Fatis, Tommaso and Zuolo, Davide and Buontempo, Salvatore
and Cavallo, Nicola and De Iorio, Agostino and Di
Crescenzo, Antonia and Fabozzi, Francesco and Fienga,
Francesco and Galati, Giuliana and Iorio, Alberto Orso
Maria and Lista, Luca and Meola, Sabino and Paolucci,
Pierluigi and Rossi, Biagio and Sciacca, Crisostomo and
Voevodina, Elena and Azzi, Patrizia and Bacchetta, Nicola
and Bisello, Dario and Boletti, Alessio and Bragagnolo,
Alberto and Carlin, Roberto and Checchia, Paolo and De
Castro Manzano, Pablo and Dorigo, Tommaso and Dosselli,
Umberto and Gasparini, Fabrizio and Gasparini, Ugo and
Gozzelino, Andrea and Hoh, Siew Yan and Lujan, Paul and
Margoni, Martino and Meneguzzo, Anna Teresa and Pazzini,
Jacopo and Presilla, Matteo and Ronchese, Paolo and Rossin,
Roberto and Simonetto, Franco and Tiko, Andres and Tosi,
Mia and Zanetti, Marco and Zotto, Pierluigi and Zumerle,
Gianni and Braghieri, Alessandro and Fiorina, Davide and
Montagna, Paolo and Ratti, Sergio P and Re, Valerio and
Ressegotti, Martina and Riccardi, Cristina and Salvini,
Paola and Vai, Ilaria and Vitulo, Paolo and Biasini,
Maurizio and Bilei, Gian Mario and Ciangottini, Diego and
Fanò, Livio and Lariccia, Paolo and Leonardi, Roberto and
Manoni, Elisa and Mantovani, Giancarlo and Mariani,
Valentina and Menichelli, Mauro and Rossi, Alessandro and
Santocchia, Attilio and Spiga, Daniele and Androsov,
Konstantin and Azzurri, Paolo and Bagliesi, Giuseppe and
Bertacchi, Valerio and Bianchini, Lorenzo and Boccali,
Tommaso and Castaldi, Rino and Ciocci, Maria Agnese and
Dell'Orso, Roberto and Donato, Silvio and Fedi, Giacomo and
Giannini, Leonardo and Giassi, Alessandro and Grippo, Maria
Teresa and Ligabue, Franco and Manca, Elisabetta and
Mandorli, Giulio and Messineo, Alberto and Palla, Fabrizio
and Rizzi, Andrea and Rolandi, Gigi and Roy Chowdhury,
Suvankar and Scribano, A and Spagnolo, Paolo and Tenchini,
Roberto and Tonelli, Guido and Turini, Nicola and Venturi,
Andrea and Verdini, Piero Giorgio and Cavallari, Francesca
and Cipriani, Marco and Del Re, Daniele and Di Marco,
Emanuele and Diemoz, Marcella and Longo, Egidio and
Meridiani, Paolo and Organtini, Giovanni and Pandolfi,
Francesco and Paramatti, Riccardo and Quaranta, Claudio and
Rahatlou, Shahram and Rovelli, Chiara and Santanastasio,
Francesco and Soffi, Livia and Amapane, Nicola and
Arcidiacono, Roberta and Argiro, Stefano and Arneodo,
Michele and Bartosik, Nazar and Bellan, Riccardo and
Bellora, Andrea and Biino, Cristina and Cappati, Alessandra
and Cartiglia, Nicolo and Cometti, Simona and Costa, Marco
and Covarelli, Roberto and Demaria, Natale and Kiani, Bilal
and Legger, Federica and Mariotti, Chiara and Maselli,
Silvia and Migliore, Ernesto and Monaco, Vincenzo and
Monteil, Ennio and Monteno, Marco and Obertino, Maria
Margherita and Ortona, Giacomo and Pacher, Luca and
Pastrone, Nadia and Pelliccioni, Mario and Pinna Angioni,
Gian Luca and Romero, Alessandra and Ruspa, Marta and
Salvatico, Riccardo and Sola, Valentina and Solano, Ada and
Soldi, Dario and Staiano, Amedeo and Trocino, Daniele and
Belforte, Stefano and Candelise, Vieri and Casarsa, Massimo
and Cossutti, Fabio and Da Rold, Alessandro and Della
Ricca, Giuseppe and Vazzoler, Federico and Zanetti, Anna
and Kim, Bobae and Kim, Dong Hee and Kim, Gui Nyun and Lee,
Jeongeun and Lee, Seh Wook and Moon, Chang-Seong and Oh,
Young Do and Pak, Sang Il and Sekmen, Sezen and Son,
Dong-Chul and Yang, Yu Chul and Kim, Hyunchul and Moon,
Dong Ho and Oh, Geonhee and Francois, Brieuc and Kim, Tae
Jeong and Park, Jiwon and Cho, Sungwoong and Choi, Suyong
and Go, Yeonju and Ha, Seungkyu and Hong, Byung-Sik and
Lee, Kisoo and Lee, Kyong Sei and Lim, Jaehoon and Park,
Jaebeom and Park, Sung Keun and Roh, Youn and Yoo, Jaehyeok
and Goh, Junghwan and Kim, Hyunsoo and Almond, John and
Bhyun, Ji Hwan and Choi, Junho and Jeon, Sihyun and Kim,
Junho and Kim, Jae Sung and Lee, Haneol and Lee, Kyeongpil
and Lee, Sangeun and Nam, Kyungwook and Oh, Minseok and Oh,
Sung Bin and Radburn-Smith, Benjamin Charles and Yang, Unki
and Yoo, Hwi Dong and Yoon, Inseok and Yu, Geum Bong and
Jeon, Dajeong and Kim, Hyunyong and Kim, Ji Hyun and Lee,
Jason Sang Hun and Park, Inkyu and Watson, Ian and Choi,
Young-Il and Hwang, Chanwook and Jeong, Yongho and Lee,
Jongseok and Lee, Yonghoon and Yu, Intae and Veckalns,
Viesturs and Dudenas, Vytautas and Juodagalvis, Andrius and
Rinkevicius, Aurelijus and Tamulaitis, Gintautas and
Vaitkus, Juozas and Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin and Mohamad
Idris, Faridah and Wan Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin and
Yusli, Mohd Nizam and Zolkapli, Zukhaimira and Benitez,
Jose F and Castaneda Hernandez, Alfredo and Murillo
Quijada, Javier Alberto and Valencia Palomo, Lizardo and
Castilla-Valdez, Heriberto and De La Cruz-Burelo, Eduard
and Heredia-De La Cruz, Ivan and Lopez-Fernandez, Ricardo
and Sánchez Hernández, Alberto and Carrillo Moreno,
Salvador and Oropeza Barrera, Cristina and Ramírez
García, Mateo and Vazquez Valencia, Fabiola and Eysermans,
Jan and Pedraza, Isabel and Salazar Ibarguen, Humberto
Antonio and Uribe Estrada, Cecilia and Morelos Pineda,
Antonio and Mijuskovic, Jelena and Raicevic, Natasa and
Krofcheck, David and Bheesette, Srinidhi and Butler, Philip
H and Ahmad, Ashfaq and Ahmad, Muhammad and Hassan, Qamar
and Hoorani, Hafeez R and Khan, Wajid Ali and Shah, Mehar
Ali and Shoaib, Muhammad and Waqas, Muhammad and Avati,
Valentina and Grzanka, Leszek and Malawski, Maciej and
Bialkowska, Helena and Bluj, Michal and Boimska, Bozena and
Górski, Maciej and Kazana, Malgorzata and Szleper, Michal
and Zalewski, Piotr and Bunkowski, Karol and Byszuk, Adrian
and Doroba, Krzysztof and Kalinowski, Artur and Konecki,
Marcin and Krolikowski, Jan and Misiura, Maciej and
Olszewski, Michal and Walczak, Marek and Araujo, Mariana
and Bargassa, Pedrame and Bastos, Diogo and Di Francesco,
Agostino and Faccioli, Pietro and Galinhas, Bruno and
Gallinaro, Michele and Hollar, Jonathan and Leonardo, Nuno
and Niknejad, Tahereh Sadat and Seixas, Joao and Shchelina,
Ksenia and Strong, Giles and Toldaiev, Oleksii and Varela,
Joao and Afanasiev, Serguei and Bunin, Pavel and
Gavrilenko, Mikhail and Golutvin, Igor and Gorbunov, Ilya
and Kamenev, Alexey and Karjavine, Vladimir and Lanev,
Alexander and Malakhov, Alexander and Matveev, Viktor and
Moisenz, Petr and Palichik, Vladimir and Perelygin, Victor
and Savina, Maria and Shmatov, Sergey and Shulha, Siarhei
and Skatchkov, Nikolai and Smirnov, Vitaly and Voytishin,
Nikolay and Zarubin, Anatoli and Chtchipounov, Leonid and
Golovtcov, Victor and Ivanov, Yury and Kim, Victor and
Kuznetsova, Ekaterina and Levchenko, Petr and Murzin,
Victor and Oreshkin, Vadim and Smirnov, Igor and Sosnov,
Dmitry and Sulimov, Valentin and Uvarov, Lev and Vorobyev,
Alexey and Andreev, Yuri and Dermenev, Alexander and
Gninenko, Sergei and Golubev, Nikolai and Karneyeu, Anton
and Kirsanov, Mikhail and Krasnikov, Nikolai and Pashenkov,
Anatoli and Tlisov, Danila and Toropin, Alexander and
Epshteyn, Vladimir and Gavrilov, Vladimir and Lychkovskaya,
Natalia and Nikitenko, Alexander and Popov, Vladimir and
Pozdnyakov, Ivan and Safronov, Grigory and Spiridonov,
Alexander and Stepennov, Anton and Toms, Maria and Vlasov,
Evgueni and Zhokin, Alexander and Aushev, Tagir and
Bychkova, Oksana and Chistov, Ruslan and Danilov, Mikhail
and Polikarpov, Sergey and Tarkovskii, Evgenii and Andreev,
Vladimir and Azarkin, Maksim and Dremin, Igor and
Kirakosyan, Martin and Terkulov, Adel and Baskakov, Alexey
and Belyaev, Andrey and Boos, Edouard and Bunichev,
Viacheslav and Dubinin, Mikhail and Dudko, Lev and
Klyukhin, Vyacheslav and Kodolova, Olga and Lokhtin, Igor
and Obraztsov, Stepan and Perfilov, Maxim and Petrushanko,
Sergey and Savrin, Viktor and Barnyakov, Alexander and
Blinov, Vladimir and Dimova, Tatyana and Kardapoltsev,
Leonid and Skovpen, Yuri and Azhgirey, Igor and Bayshev,
Igor and Bitioukov, Sergei and Kachanov, Vassili and
Konstantinov, Dmitri and Mandrik, Petr and Petrov, Vladimir
and Ryutin, Roman and Slabospitskii, Sergei and Sobol,
Andrei and Troshin, Sergey and Tyurin, Nikolay and Uzunian,
Andrey and Volkov, Alexey and Babaev, Anton and Iuzhakov,
Aleksandr and Okhotnikov, Vitalii and Borchsh, Vladislav
and Ivantchenko, Vladimir and Tcherniaev, Evgueni and
Adzic, Petar and Cirkovic, Predrag and Dordevic, Milos and
Milenovic, Predrag and Milosevic, Jovan and Stojanovic,
Milan and Aguilar-Benitez, Manuel and Alcaraz Maestre, Juan
and Álvarez Fernández, Adrian and Bachiller, Irene and
Barrio Luna, Mar and Fernandez Bedoya, Cristina and
Brochero Cifuentes, Javier Andres and Carrillo Montoya,
Camilo Andres and Cepeda, Maria and Cerrada, Marcos and
Colino, Nicanor and De La Cruz, Begona and Delgado Peris,
Antonio and Fernández Ramos, Juan Pablo and Flix, Jose and
Fouz, Maria Cruz and Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar and Goy Lopez,
Silvia and Hernandez, Jose M and Josa, Maria Isabel and
Moran, Dermot and Navarro Tobar, Álvaro and Pérez-Calero
Yzquierdo, Antonio María and Puerta Pelayo, Jesus and
Redondo, Ignacio and Romero, Luciano and Sánchez Navas,
Sergio and Senghi Soares, Mara and Triossi, Andrea and
Willmott, Carlos and Albajar, Carmen and de Trocóniz,
Jorge F and Reyes-Almanza, Rogelio and Alvarez Gonzalez,
Barbara and Cuevas, Javier and Erice, Carlos and Fernandez
Menendez, Javier and Folgueras, Santiago and Gonzalez
Caballero, Isidro and González Fernández, Juan Rodrigo
and Palencia Cortezon, Enrique and Rodríguez Bouza,
Víctor and Sanchez Cruz, Sergio and Cabrillo, Iban Jose
and Calderon, Alicia and Chazin Quero, Barbara and Duarte
Campderros, Jordi and Fernandez, Marcos and Fernández
Manteca, Pedro José and García Alonso, Andrea and Gomez,
Gervasio and Martinez Rivero, Celso and Martinez Ruiz del
Arbol, Pablo and Matorras, Francisco and Piedra Gomez,
Jonatan and Prieels, Cédric and Rodrigo, Teresa and
Ruiz-Jimeno, Alberto and Russo, Lorenzo and Scodellaro,
Luca and Vila, Ivan and Vizan Garcia, Jesus Manuel and
Malagalage, Kithsiri and Dharmaratna, Welathantri GD and
Wickramage, Nadeesha and Abbaneo, Duccio and Akgun, Bora
and Auffray, Etiennette and Auzinger, Georg and Baechler,
Joachim and Baillon, Paul and Ball, Austin and Barney,
David and Bendavid, Joshua and Bianco, Michele and Bocci,
Andrea and Bortignon, Pierluigi and Bossini, Edoardo and
Botta, Cristina and Brondolin, Erica and Camporesi, Tiziano
and Caratelli, Alessandro and Cerminara, Gianluca and
Chapon, Emilien and Cucciati, Giacomo and D'Enterria, David
and Dabrowski, Anne and Daci, Nadir and Daponte, Vincenzo
and David Tinoco Mendes, Andre and Davignon, Olivier and De
Roeck, Albert and Deile, Mario and Dobson, Marc and
Dünser, Marc and Dupont, Niels and Elliott-Peisert, Anna
and Emriskova, Natalia and Fallavollita, Francesco and
Fasanella, Daniele and Fiorendi, Sara and Franzoni,
Giovanni and Fulcher, Jonathan and Funk, Wolfgang and
Giani, Simone and Gigi, Dominique and Gilbert, Andrew and
Gill, Karl and Glege, Frank and Gouskos, Loukas and
Gruchala, Marek and Guilbaud, Maxime and Gulhan, Doga and
Hegeman, Jeroen and Heidegger, Constantin and Iiyama,
Yutaro and Innocente, Vincenzo and James, Thomas and Janot,
Patrick and Karacheban, Olena and Kaspar, Jan and Kieseler,
Jan and Krammer, Manfred and Kratochwil, Nicolaus and
Lange, Clemens and Lecoq, Paul and Lourenco, Carlos and
Malgeri, Luca and Mannelli, Marcello and Massironi, Andrea
and Meijers, Frans and Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre and Mersi,
Stefano and Meschi, Emilio and Moortgat, Filip and Mulders,
Martijn and Ngadiuba, Jennifer and Niedziela, Jeremi and
Nourbakhsh, Shervin and Orfanelli, Styliani and Orsini,
Luciano and Pantaleo, Felice and Pape, Luc and Perez,
Emmanuel and Peruzzi, Marco and Petrilli, Achille and
Petrucciani, Giovanni and Pfeiffer, Andreas and Pierini,
Maurizio and Pitters, Florian Michael and Rabady, Dinyar
and Racz, Attila and Rieger, Marcel and Rovere, Marco and
Sakulin, Hannes and Schäfer, Christoph and Schwick,
Christoph and Selvaggi, Michele and Sharma, Archana and
Silva, Pedro and Snoeys, Walter and Sphicas, Paraskevas and
Steggemann, Jan and Summers, Sioni and Tavolaro, Vittorio
Raoul and Treille, Daniel and Tsirou, Andromachi and Van
Onsem, Gerrit Patrick and Vartak, Adish and Verzetti, Mauro
and Zeuner, Wolfram Dietrich and Caminada, Lea and Deiters,
Konrad and Erdmann, Wolfram and Horisberger, Roland and
Ingram, Quentin and Kaestli, Hans-Christian and Kotlinski,
Danek and Langenegger, Urs and Rohe, Tilman and Wiederkehr,
Stephan Albert and Backhaus, Malte and Berger, Pirmin and
Chernyavskaya, Nadezda and Dissertori, Günther and
Dittmar, Michael and Donegà, Mauro and Dorfer, Christian
and Gómez Espinosa, Tirso Alejandro and Grab, Christoph
and Hits, Dmitry and Lustermann, Werner and Manzoni,
Riccardo Andrea and Meinhard, Maren Tabea and Micheli,
Francesco and Musella, Pasquale and Nessi-Tedaldi,
Francesca and Pauss, Felicitas and Perrin, Gaël and
Perrozzi, Luca and Pigazzini, Simone and Ratti, Maria
Giulia and Reichmann, Michael and Reissel, Christina and
Reitenspiess, Thomas and Ristic, Branislav and Ruini,
Daniele and Sanz Becerra, Diego Alejandro and
Schönenberger, Myriam and Shchutska, Lesya and Vesterbacka
Olsson, Minna Leonora and Wallny, Rainer and Zhu, De Hua
and Aarrestad, Thea Klaeboe and Amsler, Claude and
Brzhechko, Danyyl and Canelli, Maria Florencia and De Cosa,
Annapaola and Del Burgo, Riccardo and Kilminster, Benjamin
and Leontsinis, Stefanos and Mikuni, Vinicius Massami and
Neutelings, Izaak and Rauco, Giorgia and Robmann, Peter and
Schweiger, Korbinian and Seitz, Claudia and Takahashi, Yuta
and Wertz, Sébastien and Zucchetta, Alberto and Doan, Thi
Hien and Kuo, Chia-Ming and Lin, Willis and Roy, Ashim and
Yu, Shin-Shan and Chang, Paoti and Chao, Yuan and Chen,
Kai-Feng and Chen, Po-Hsun and Hou, George Wei-Shu and Li,
You-ying and Lu, Rong-Shyang and Paganis, Efstathios and
Psallidas, Andreas and Steen, Arnaud and Asavapibhop, Burin
and Asawatangtrakuldee, Chayanit and Srimanobhas, Norraphat
and Suwonjandee, Narumon and Bat, Ayse and Boran, Fatma and
Celik, Ali and Cerci, Salim and Damarseckin, Serdal and
Demiroglu, Zuhal Seyma and Dolek, Furkan and Dozen, Candan
and Dumanoglu, Isa and Gokbulut, Gul and Gurpinar Guler,
Emine and Guler, Yalcin and Hos, Ilknur and Isik, Candan
and Kangal, Evrim Ersin and Kara, Ozgun and Kayis Topaksu,
Aysel and Kiminsu, Ugur and Onengut, Gulsen and Ozdemir,
Kadri and Ozturk, Sertac and Simsek, Ali Eren and Sunar
Cerci, Deniz and Tok, Ufuk Guney and Turkcapar, Semra and
Zorbakir, Ibrahim Soner and Zorbilmez, Caglar and Isildak,
Bora and Karapinar, Guler and Yalvac, Metin and Atakisi,
Ismail Okan and Gülmez, Erhan and Kaya, Mithat and Kaya,
Ozlem and Özçelik, Özlem and Tekten, Sevgi and Yetkin,
Elif Asli and Cakir, Altan and Cankocak, Kerem and Komurcu,
Yildiray and Sen, Sercan and Kaynak, Berkan and
Ozkorucuklu, Suat and Grynyov, Boris and Levchuk, Leonid
and Bhal, Eshwen and Bologna, Simone and Brooke, James John
and Burns, Douglas and Clement, Emyr and Cussans, David and
Flacher, Henning and Goldstein, Joel and Heath, Greg P and
Heath, Helen F and Kreczko, Lukasz and Krikler, Benjamin
and Paramesvaran, Sudarshan and Penning, Bjoern and Sakuma,
Tai and Seif El Nasr-Storey, Sarah and Smith, Vincent J and
Taylor, Joseph and Titterton, Alexander and Bell, Ken W and
Belyaev, Alexander and Brew, Christopher and Brown, Robert
M and Cockerill, David JA and Coughlan, John A and Harder,
Kristian and Harper, Sam and Linacre, Jacob and
Manolopoulos, Konstantinos and Newbold, Dave M and Olaiya,
Emmanuel and Petyt, David and Reis, Thomas and Schuh,
Thomas and Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire and Thea,
Alessandro and Tomalin, Ian R and Williams, Thomas and
Womersley, William John and Bainbridge, Robert and Bloch,
Philippe and Borg, Johan and Breeze, Shane and Buchmuller,
Oliver and Bundock, Aaron and Chahal, Gurpreet Singh and
Colling, David and Dauncey, Paul and Davies, Gavin and
Della Negra, Michel and Di Maria, Riccardo and Everaerts,
Pieter and Hall, Geoffrey and Iles, Gregory and Komm,
Matthias and Laner, Christian and Lyons, Louis and Magnan,
Anne-Marie and Malik, Sarah and Martelli, Arabella and
Milosevic, Vukasin and Morton, Alexander and Nash, Jordan
and Palladino, Vito and Pesaresi, Mark and Raymond, David
Mark and Richards, Alexander and Rose, Andrew and Scott,
Edward and Seez, Christopher and Shtipliyski, Antoni and
Stoye, Markus and Strebler, Thomas and Tapper, Alexander
and Uchida, Kirika and Virdee, Tejinder and Wardle,
Nicholas and Winterbottom, Daniel and Wright, Jack and
Zecchinelli, Angelo Giacomo and Zenz, Seth Conrad and Cole,
Joanne and Hobson, Peter R and Khan, Akram and Kyberd, Paul
and Mackay, Catherine Kirsty and Reid, Ivan and Teodorescu,
Liliana and Zahid, Sema and Call, Kenneth and Caraway,
Bryan and Dittmann, Jay and Hatakeyama, Kenichi and Madrid,
Christopher and McMaster, Brooks and Pastika, Nathaniel and
Smith, Caleb and Bartek, Rachel and Dominguez, Aaron and
Uniyal, Rishabh and Vargas Hernandez, Andres Mateus and
Buccilli, Andrew and Cooper, Seth and Henderson, Conor and
Rumerio, Paolo and West, Christopher and Albert, Andreas
and Arcaro, Daniel and Demiragli, Zeynep and Gastler,
Daniel and Richardson, Clint and Rohlf, James and Sperka,
David and Suarez, Indara and Sulak, Lawrence and Zou, David
and Benelli, Gabriele and Burkle, Bjorn and Coubez, Xavier
and Cutts, David and Duh, Yi-ting and Hadley, Mary and
Heintz, Ulrich and Hogan, Julie Managan and Kwok, Ka Hei
Martin and Laird, Edward and Landsberg, Greg and Lau, Ka
Tung and Lee, Jangbae and Mao, Zaixing and Narain,
Meenakshi and Sagir, Sinan and Syarif, Rizki and Usai,
Emanuele and Yu, David and Zhang, Wenyu and Band, Reyer and
Brainerd, Christopher and Breedon, Richard and Calderon De
La Barca Sanchez, Manuel and Chertok, Maxwell and Conway,
John and Conway, Rylan and Cox, Peter Timothy and Erbacher,
Robin and Flores, Chad and Funk, Garrett and Jensen, Frank
and Ko, Winston and Kukral, Ota and Lander, Richard and
Mulhearn, Michael and Pellett, Dave and Pilot, Justin and
Shi, Mengyao and Taylor, Devin and Tos, Kyle and Tripathi,
Mani and Wang, Zhangqier and Zhang, Fengwangdong and
Bachtis, Michail and Bravo, Cameron and Cousins, Robert and
Dasgupta, Abhigyan and Florent, Alice and Hauser, Jay and
Ignatenko, Mikhail and Mccoll, Nickolas and Nash, William
Arthur and Regnard, Simon and Saltzberg, David and
Schnaible, Christian and Stone, Brent and Valuev,
Vyacheslav and Burt, Kira and Chen, Yuan and Clare, Robert
and Gary, J William and Ghiasi Shirazi, Seyyed Mohammad
Amin and Hanson, Gail and Karapostoli, Georgia and Kennedy,
Elizabeth and Long, Owen Rosser and Olmedo Negrete, Manuel
and Paneva, Mirena Ivova and Si, Weinan and Wang, Long and
Wimpenny, Stephen and Yates, Brent and Zhang, Yi and
Branson, James G and Chang, Philip and Cittolin, Sergio and
Cooperstein, Stephane and Deelen, Nikkie and Derdzinski,
Mark and Gerosa, Raffaele and Gilbert, Dylan and Hashemi,
Bobak and Klein, Daniel and Krutelyov, Vyacheslav and
Letts, James and Masciovecchio, Mario and May, Samuel and
Padhi, Sanjay and Pieri, Marco and Sharma, Vivek and Tadel,
Matevz and Würthwein, Frank and Yagil, Avraham and Zevi
Della Porta, Giovanni and Amin, Nick and Bhandari, Rohan
and Campagnari, Claudio and Citron, Matthew and Dutta,
Valentina and Franco Sevilla, Manuel and Incandela, Joe and
Marsh, Bennett and Mei, Hualin and Ovcharova, Ana and Qu,
Huilin and Richman, Jeffrey and Sarica, Ulascan and Stuart,
David and Wang, Sicheng and Anderson, Dustin and Bornheim,
Adolf and Cerri, Olmo and Dutta, Irene and Lawhorn, Jay
Mathew and Lu, Nan and Mao, Jiajing and Newman, Harvey B
and Nguyen, Thong and Pata, Joosep and Spiropulu, Maria and
Vlimant, Jean-Roch and Xie, Si and Zhang, Zhicai and Zhu,
Ren-Yuan and Andrews, Michael Benjamin and Ferguson, Thomas
and Mudholkar, Tanmay and Paulini, Manfred and Sun, Menglei
and Vorobiev, Igor and Weinberg, Marc and Cumalat, John
Perry and Ford, William T and MacDonald, Emily and
Mulholland, Troy and Patel, Rishi and Perloff, Alexx and
Stenson, Kevin and Ulmer, Keith and Wagner, Stephen Robert
and Alexander, James and Cheng, Yangyang and Chu, Jennifer
and Datta, Abhisek and Frankenthal, Andre and Mcdermott,
Kevin and Patterson, Juliet Ritchie and Quach, Dan and Ryd,
Anders and Tan, Shao Min and Tao, Zhengcheng and Thom,
Julia and Wittich, Peter and Zientek, Margaret and
Abdullin, Salavat and Albrow, Michael and Alyari, Maral and
Apollinari, Giorgio and Apresyan, Artur and Apyan, Aram and
Banerjee, Sunanda and Bauerdick, Lothar AT and Beretvas,
Andrew and Berry, Douglas and Berryhill, Jeffrey and Bhat,
Pushpalatha C and Burkett, Kevin and Butler, Joel Nathan
and Canepa, Anadi and Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto and
Cheung, Harry and Chlebana, Frank and Cremonesi, Matteo and
Duarte, Javier and Elvira, Victor Daniel and Freeman, Jim
and Gecse, Zoltan and Gottschalk, Erik and Gray, Lindsey
and Green, Dan and Grünendahl, Stefan and Gutsche, Oliver
and Reinsvold Hall, Allison and Hanlon, Jim and Harris,
Robert M and Hasegawa, Satoshi and Heller, Ryan and
Hirschauer, James and Jayatilaka, Bodhitha and Jindariani,
Sergo and Johnson, Marvin and Joshi, Umesh and Klijnsma,
Thomas and Klima, Boaz and Kortelainen, Matti J and Kreis,
Benjamin and Lammel, Stephan and Lewis, Jonathan and
Lincoln, Don and Lipton, Ron and Liu, Miaoyuan and Liu,
Tiehui and Lykken, Joseph and Maeshima, Kaori and
Marraffino, John Michael and Mason, David and McBride,
Patricia and Merkel, Petra and Mrenna, Stephen and Nahn,
Steve and O'Dell, Vivian and Papadimitriou, Vaia and Pedro,
Kevin and Pena, Cristian and Rakness, Gregory and Ravera,
Fabio and Ristori, Luciano and Schneider, Basil and
Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth and Smith, Nicholas and Soha,
Aron and Spalding, William J and Spiegel, Leonard and
Stoynev, Stoyan and Strait, James and Strobbe, Nadja and
Taylor, Lucas and Tkaczyk, Slawek and Tran, Nhan Viet and
Uplegger, Lorenzo and Vaandering, Eric Wayne and Vernieri,
Caterina and Vidal, Richard and Wang, Michael and Weber,
Hannsjoerg Artur and Acosta, Darin and Avery, Paul and
Bourilkov, Dimitri and Brinkerhoff, Andrew and Cadamuro,
Luca and Carnes, Andrew and Cherepanov, Vladimir and
Errico, Filippo and Field, Richard D and Gleyzer, Sergei V
and Joshi, Bhargav Madhusudan and Kim, Mugeon and
Konigsberg, Jacobo and Korytov, Andrey and Lo, Kin Ho and
Ma, Peisen and Matchev, Konstantin and Menendez, Nicholas
and Mitselmakher, Guenakh and Rosenzweig, Daniel and Shi,
Kun and Wang, Jian and Wang, Sean-Jiun and Zuo, Xunwu and
Joshi, Yagya Raj and Adams, Todd and Askew, Andrew and
Hagopian, Sharon and Hagopian, Vasken and Johnson, Kurtis F
and Khurana, Raman and Kolberg, Ted and Martinez, German
and Perry, Thomas and Prosper, Harrison and Schiber,
Catherine and Yohay, Rachel and Zhang, Jingyu and Baarmand,
Marc M and Hohlmann, Marcus and Noonan, Daniel and Rahmani,
Mehdi and Saunders, Mark and Yumiceva, Francisco and Adams,
Mark Raymond and Apanasevich, Leonard and Betts, Russell
Richard and Cavanaugh, Richard and Chen, Xuan and Dittmer,
Susan and Evdokimov, Olga and Gerber, Cecilia Elena and
Hangal, Dhanush Anil and Hofman, David Jonathan and Jung,
Kurt and Mills, Corrinne and Roy, Titas and Tonjes,
Marguerite and Varelas, Nikos and Viinikainen, Jussi and
Wang, Hui and Wang, Xiao and Wu, Zhenbin and Alhusseini,
Mohammad and Bilki, Burak and Clarida, Warren and Dilsiz,
Kamuran and Durgut, Süleyman and Gandrajula, Reddy Pratap
and Haytmyradov, Maksat and Khristenko, Viktor and
Köseyan, Ohannes Kamer and Merlo, Jean-Pierre and
Mestvirishvili, Alexi and Moeller, Anthony and Nachtman,
Jane and Ogul, Hasan and Onel, Yasar and Ozok, Ferhat and
Penzo, Aldo and Snyder, Christina and Tiras, Emrah and
Wetzel, James and Blumenfeld, Barry and Cocoros, Alice and
Eminizer, Margaret and Gritsan, Andrei and Hung, Wai Ting
and Kyriacou, Savvas and Maksimovic, Petar and Roskes,
Jeffrey and Swartz, Morris and Baldenegro Barrera, Cristian
and Baringer, Philip and Bean, Alice and Boren, Samuel and
Bowen, James and Bylinkin, Alexander and Isidori, Tommaso
and Khalil, Sadia and King, Jack and Krintiras, Georgios
and Kropivnitskaya, Anna and Lindsey, Cole and Majumder,
Devdatta and Mcbrayer, William and Minafra, Nicola and
Murray, Michael and Rogan, Christopher and Royon,
Christophe and Sanders, Stephen and Schmitz, Erich and
Tapia Takaki, Daniel and Wang, Quan and Williams, Justin
and Wilson, Graham and Duric, Senka and Ivanov, Andrew and
Kaadze, Ketino and Kim, Doyeong and Maravin, Yurii and
Mendis, Dalath Rachitha and Mitchell, Tyler and Modak,
Atanu and Mohammadi, Abdollah and Rebassoo, Finn and
Wright, Douglas and Baden, Drew and Baron, Owen and
Belloni, Alberto and Eno, Sarah Catherine and Feng, Yongbin
and Hadley, Nicholas John and Jabeen, Shabnam and Jeng,
Geng-Yuan and Kellogg, Richard G and Kunkle, Joshua and
Mignerey, Alice and Nabili, Sara and Ricci-Tam, Francesca
and Seidel, Markus and Shin, Young Ho and Skuja, Andris and
Tonwar, Suresh C and Wong, Kak and Abercrombie, Daniel and
Allen, Brandon and Baty, Austin and Bi, Ran and Brandt,
Stephanie and Busza, Wit and Cali, Ivan Amos and D'Alfonso,
Mariarosaria and Gomez Ceballos, Guillelmo and Goncharov,
Maxim and Harris, Philip and Hsu, Dylan and Hu, Miao and
Klute, Markus and Kovalskyi, Dmytro and Lee, Yen-Jie and
Luckey, Paul David and Maier, Benedikt and Marini, Andrea
Carlo and Mcginn, Christopher and Mironov, Camelia and
Narayanan, Siddharth and Niu, Xinmei and Paus, Christoph
and Rankin, Dylan and Roland, Christof and Roland, Gunther
and Shi, Zhaozhong and Stephans, George and Sumorok,
Konstanty and Tatar, Kaya and Velicanu, Dragos and Wang,
Jing and Wang, Ta-Wei and Wyslouch, Bolek and Chatterjee,
Rajdeep Mohan and Evans, Andrew and Guts, Sergey and
Hansen, Peter and Hiltbrand, Joshua and Jain, Shilpi and
Kubota, Yuichi and Lesko, Zachary and Mans, Jeremy and
Revering, Michael and Rusack, Roger and Saradhy, Rohith and
Schroeder, Neil and Wadud, Mohammad Abrar and Acosta, John
Gabriel and Oliveros, Sandra and Bloom, Kenneth and
Chauhan, Shubhanshu and Claes, Daniel R and Fangmeier,
Caleb and Finco, Linda and Golf, Frank and Kamalieddin,
Rami and Kravchenko, Ilya and Siado, Joaquin Emilo and
Snow, Gregory R and Stieger, Benjamin and Tabb, William and
Agarwal, Garvita and Harrington, Charles and Iashvili, Ia
and Kharchilava, Avto and McLean, Christine and Nguyen,
Duong and Parker, Ashley and Pekkanen, Juska and Rappoccio,
Salvatore and Roozbahani, Bahareh and Alverson, George and
Barberis, Emanuela and Freer, Chad and Haddad, Yacine and
Hortiangtham, Apichart and Madigan, Gabriel and Marzocchi,
Badder and Morse, David Michael and Orimoto, Toyoko and
Skinnari, Louise and Tishelman-Charny, Abraham and
Wamorkar, Tanvi and Wang, Bingran and Wisecarver, Andrew
and Wood, Darien and Bhattacharya, Saptaparna and Bueghly,
James and Gunter, Thoth and Hahn, Kristan Allan and Odell,
Nathaniel and Schmitt, Michael Henry and Sung, Kevin and
Trovato, Marco and Velasco, Mayda and Bucci, Rachael and
Dev, Nabarun and Goldouzian, Reza and Hildreth, Michael and
Hurtado Anampa, Kenyi and Jessop, Colin and Karmgard,
Daniel John and Lannon, Kevin and Li, Wenzhao and Loukas,
Nikitas and Marinelli, Nancy and Mcalister, Ian and Meng,
Fanbo and Mueller, Charles and Musienko, Yuri and Planer,
Michael and Ruchti, Randy and Siddireddy, Prasanna and
Smith, Geoffrey and Taroni, Silvia and Wayne, Mitchell and
Wightman, Andrew and Wolf, Matthias and Woodard, Anna and
Alimena, Juliette and Bylsma, Ben and Durkin, Lloyd Stanley
and Francis, Brian and Hill, Christopher and Ji, Weifeng
and Lefeld, Anthony and Ling, Ta-Yung and Winer, Brian L
and Dezoort, Gage and Elmer, Peter and Hardenbrook, Joshua
and Haubrich, Nicholas and Higginbotham, Samuel and
Kalogeropoulos, Alexis and Kwan, Stephanie and Lange, David
and Lucchini, Marco Toliman and Luo, Jingyu and Marlow,
Daniel and Mei, Kelvin and Ojalvo, Isabel and Olsen, James
and Palmer, Christopher and Piroué, Pierre and
Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob and Stickland, David and Tully,
Christopher and Wang, Zhiming and Malik, Sudhir and
Norberg, Scarlet and Barker, Anthony and Barnes, Virgil E
and Das, Souvik and Gutay, Laszlo and Jones, Matthew and
Jung, Andreas Werner and Khatiwada, Ajeeta and Mahakud,
Bibhuprasad and Miller, David Harry and Negro, Giulia and
Neumeister, Norbert and Peng, Cheng-Chieh and Piperov,
Stefan and Qiu, Hao and Schulte, Jan-Frederik and
Trevisani, Nicolò and Wang, Fuqiang and Xiao, Rui and Xie,
Wei and Cheng, Tongguang and Dolen, James and Parashar,
Neeti and Behrens, Ulf and Ecklund, Karl Matthew and Freed,
Sarah and Geurts, Frank JM and Kilpatrick, Matthew and
Kumar, Arun and Li, Wei and Padley, Brian Paul and Redjimi,
Radia and Roberts, Jay and Rorie, Jamal and Shi, Wei and
Stahl Leiton, Andre Govinda and Tu, Zhoudunming and Zhang,
Aobo and Bodek, Arie and de Barbaro, Pawel and Demina,
Regina and Dulemba, Joseph Lynn and Fallon, Colin and
Ferbel, Thomas and Galanti, Mario and Garcia-Bellido, Aran
and Hindrichs, Otto and Khukhunaishvili, Aleko and Ranken,
Evan and Taus, Rhys and Chiarito, Brandon and Chou, John
Paul and Gandrakota, Abhijith and Gershtein, Yuri and
Halkiadakis, Eva and Hart, Andrew and Heindl, Maximilian
and Hughes, Elliot and Kaplan, Steven and Laflotte, Ian and
Lath, Amitabh and Montalvo, Roy and Nash, Kevin and
Osherson, Marc and Saka, Halil and Salur, Sevil and
Schnetzer, Steve and Somalwar, Sunil and Stone, Robert and
Thomas, Scott and Acharya, Himal and Delannoy, Andrés G
and Spanier, Stefan and Bouhali, Othmane and Dalchenko,
Mykhailo and De Mattia, Marco and Delgado, Andrea and
Dildick, Sven and Eusebi, Ricardo and Gilmore, Jason and
Huang, Tao and Kamon, Teruki and Luo, Sifu and Malhotra,
Shivali and Marley, Daniel and Mueller, Ryan and Overton,
David and Perniè, Luca and Rathjens, Denis and Safonov,
Alexei and Akchurin, Nural and Damgov, Jordan and De Guio,
Federico and Kunori, Shuichi and Lamichhane, Kamal and Lee,
Sung Won and Mengke, Tielige and Muthumuni, Samila and
Peltola, Timo and Undleeb, Sonaina and Volobouev, Igor and
Wang, Zhixing and Whitbeck, Andrew and Greene, Senta and
Gurrola, Alfredo and Janjam, Ravi and Johns, Willard and
Maguire, Charles and Melo, Andrew and Ni, Hong and Padeken,
Klaas and Romeo, Francesco and Sheldon, Paul and Tuo,
Shengquan and Velkovska, Julia and Verweij, Marta and
Arenton, Michael Wayne and Barria, Patrizia and Cox,
Bradley and Cummings, Grace and Hakala, John and Hirosky,
Robert and Joyce, Matthew and Ledovskoy, Alexander and Neu,
Christopher and Tannenwald, Benjamin and Wang, Yanchu and
Wolfe, Evan and Xia, Fan and Harr, Robert and Karchin, Paul
Edmund and Poudyal, Nabin and Sturdy, Jared and Thapa,
Prakash and Bose, Tulika and Buchanan, James and Caillol,
Cécile and Carlsmith, Duncan and Dasu, Sridhara and De
Bruyn, Isabelle and Dodd, Laura and Fiori, Francesco and
Galloni, Camilla and He, He and Herndon, Matthew and
Hervé, Alain and Hussain, Usama and Klabbers, Pamela and
Lanaro, Armando and Loeliger, Andrew and Long, Kenneth and
Loveless, Richard and Madhusudanan Sreekala, Jithin and
Pinna, Deborah and Ruggles, Tyler and Savin, Alexander and
Sharma, Varun and Smith, Wesley H and Teague, Dylan and
Trembath-reichert, Stephen and Woods, Nathaniel",
collaboration = "CMS",
title = "{Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a top and a
bottom quark in the all-jet final state of pp collisions at
$\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV}",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
eprint = "2001.07763",
reportNumber = "CMS-HIG-18-015, CERN-EP-2019-277, CMS-HIG-18-015-004",
journal = "JHEP",
volume = "2007",
pages = "126",
year = "2020",
url = "https://cds.cern.ch/record/2706941",
note = "Submitted to JHEP. All figures and tables can be found at
(CMS Public Pages)",
doi = "10.1007/JHEP07(2020)126",