CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Report number CERN-ACC-2019-193
Title Next generation Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) for nA intensity measurement
Author(s) Sieber, Thomas (Darmstadt, GSI) ; De Gersem, Herbert (Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Golm, Jessica (U. Jena (main)) ; Haider, David (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Marsic, Nicolas (Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Müller, Wolfgang (Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Reeg, Hansjörg (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Schmelz, Matthias (Inst. Photonic Tech., Jena) ; Schmidl, Frank (U. Jena (main)) ; Schwickert, Marcus (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Seidel, Paul (U. Jena (main)) ; Stöhlker, Thomas (Darmstadt, GSI ; U. Jena (main) ; Helmholtz Inst., Jena) ; Stolz, Ronny (Inst. Photonic Tech., Jena) ; Tan, Jocelyn (CERN) ; Tranquille, Gerard (CERN) ; Tympel, Volker (Helmholtz Inst., Jena) ; Zakosarenko, Vyacheslav (Inst. Photonic Tech., Jena)
Publication 2019
Number of pages 4
In: 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.WEPGW020
DOI 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPGW020
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) is an extremely sensitive DC-Beam Transformer based on superconducting SQUID technology. Recently, a CCC without a toroidal core and with an axially oriented magnetic shielding has been developed at the Institute of Photonic Technologies (IPHT) Jena/Germany. It represents a compact and light-weight alternative to the ‘classical’ CC, which was originally developed at PTB Braunschweig/Germany and is successfully in operation in accelerators at GSI and CERN. Excellent low-frequency noise performance was demonstrated with a prototype of this new CCC-type. Current measurements and further tests are ongoing, first results are presented together with simulation calculations for the magnetic shielding. The construction from lead as well as simplified manufacturing results in drastically reduced costs compared to formerly used Nb-CCCs. Reduced weight also puts less constraints on the cryostat. Based on highly sensitive SQUIDs, the new prototype device shows a current sensitivity of about 6 pA/Hz$^{1/2}$ in the white noise region. The measured and calculated shielding factor is  135 dB. These values, together with a significant cost reduction - resulting also from a compact cryostat design - opens up the way for widespread use of CCCs in modern accelerator facilities.
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 Journalen skapades 2019-10-17, och modifierades senast 2022-04-07

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