CERN Accelerating science

Title Ceph at NASA Atmosphere SIPS
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Author(s) Hrpcek, Kevin (speaker) (NASA)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint 2019-09-17. - 1617.
Series (Ceph Project)
(Ceph Day for Research and Non-profits)
Lecture note on 2019-09-17T14:00:00
Subject category Ceph Project
Abstract The NASA VIIRS Atmosphere SIPS, located at the University of Wisconsin, is responsible for assisting the Science Team in algorithm development and production of VIIRS Level-2 Cloud and Aerosol products. To facilitate algorithm development, the SIPS requires access to multiple years of satellite data occupying petabytes of space. Being able to reprocess the entire mission and provide validation results back to the Science Team in a rapid fashion is critical for algorithm development. In addition to reprocessing the SIPS is responsible for the timely delivery of near real time satellite products to NASA. To accomplish this task the Atmosphere SIPS has deployed a seven petabyte Ceph cluster employing numerous different components such as librados, EC-Pools, RBD, and CephFS. This talk will discuss choices we made to optimize the system allowing for rapid reprocessing of years of satellite data.
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Submitted by [email protected]


 Record created 2019-10-02, last modified 2024-06-26

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