CERN Accelerating science

Photolab / Photolab / Accelerators CERN-PHOTO-201901-147

TIDVG#5 mock-up assembly in BA5, dismantling and re installing beamline in SPS tunnel

Date: 15-01-2019

Dismantling of beamline BA5 "decabling, dismantling and enlargement of tunnel in new beamline, cabling, rebuild LS5 beamline" 90% vacuum around SPS. Remove beam dump remove from BA1 to install new one in BA5. New beam dump on surface (test in b.899)

Photograph: Brice, Maximilien
Keywords: SPS; LS2 LIU

Note: General Photo

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Total images: 6
CERN-PHOTO-201901-147-1  -  Small, Medium, Large, Original

CERN-PHOTO-201901-147-2  -  Small, Medium, Large, Original

CERN-PHOTO-201901-147-3  -  Small, Medium, Large, Original

CERN-PHOTO-201901-147-4  -  Small, Medium, Large, Original

CERN-PHOTO-201901-147-5  -  Small, Medium, Large, Original

CERN-PHOTO-201901-147-6  -  Small, Medium, Large, Original

 Záznam vytvorený 2019-06-04, zmenený 2019-06-06

Plný text:
201905-147_01 - Nahraj plný textJPG
201905-147_02 - Nahraj plný textJPG
201905-147_03 - Nahraj plný textJPG
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