| The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been delivering data to the physics experiments since 2009. It first operated at a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV and 8 TeV up to the first long shutdown (LS1) in 2013-14. The 13 kA splices between the main LHC cryomagnets were consolidated during LS1. Then, it was possible to increase safely the centre of mass energy to 13 TeV. During the training campaigns, metallic debris caused short circuits in the dipole diode containers, leading to an unacceptable risk. Major interventions can only take place during multiyear shutdowns. To ensure safe operation at higher energies, hence requiring further magnets training, the electrical insulation of the 1232 dipole diodes bus-bars will be consolidated during the second LHC long shutdown (LS2) in 2019-20. The design of the reinforced electrical insulation of the dipole cold diodes and the associated project organisation are presented, including the validation tests, especially at cryogenics temperature. During LS2, maintenance interventions on the LHC cryomagnets will also be performed, following the plan based on a statistical analysis of the electrical faults. It is inscribed in the overall strategy to produce collisions at 14 TeV, the LHC design energy, and to push it further towards 15 TeV. We give a first guess on the impact on the LHC failure rate. |