CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Report number CERN-ACC-2018-148
Title Single-Collimator Tune Shift Measurement of the Three-Stripe Collimator at the LHC
Author(s) Antipov, Sergey (CERN) ; Amorim, David (U. Grenoble Alpes) ; Biancacci, Nicolo (CERN) ; Carver, Lee (CERN) ; Mazzacano, Giacomo (U. Rome La Sapienza (main)) ; Mereghetti, Alessio (CERN) ; Métral, Elias (CERN) ; Redaelli, Stefano (CERN) ; Salvant, Benoit (CERN) ; Valuch, Daniel (CERN)
Publication 2018
Number of pages 4
In: 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.THPAF035
DOI 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAF035
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract Several options of low resistivity coating have been proposed for the collimator upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider. In order to study their effect on the beam dynamics a special collimator has been built and installed in the machine. Its jaws are coated with three different materials and can be moved transversely to selectively expose the beam to the chosen coating. We have measured the resistive wall tune shifts of each coating material and compared them with that of a standard Carbon Fibre Composite (CFC) collimator jaw. A resolution of the tune shift of the order of $10^{-5}$ has been achieved in the measurement. The results show a significant reduction of the resistive wall tune shift with novel materials. The largest improvement is obtained with a 5 $\mu$m Molybdenum coating of a Molybdenum-Graphite jaw. The observed tune shifts show a good agreement with the impedance model and the bench impedance and resistivity measurements. Obtained results can be used to further improve the precision of the impedance model.
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 2018-11-21, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2022-08-17

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