CERN Accelerating science

Typical display of the capacitive probe 1VM4 readout while beamline 1V is at \SI{120}{\micro\ampere}. The beam current is indicated by the continuous line in blue. The beam-off period is long enough for the kicker to ramp up or down during the interval between the vertical, dashed and red lines.
Typical display of the capacitive probe 1VM4 readout while beamline 1V is at \SI{120}{\micro\ampere}. The beam current is indicated by the continuous line in blue. The beam-off period is long enough for the kicker to ramp up or down during the interval between the vertical, dashed, red lines.
Well centered beam profiles on B1U:HARP0 (top) and HARP2 (bottom) during BL1U commissioning in November 2016. Left: horizontal profile, right: vertical profile.
Beam envelope plot of beamline 1V and 1U calculated with Transoptr\cite{transoptr}. The black bars denote the magnetic field created by the optics elements.