Home > CERN Experiments > LHC Experiments > ATLAS > ATLAS Preprints > The High Voltage distribution system of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter and its performance during data taking > Plots |
Behaviour of \AvDeltaHV{} as a function of time of a stable (left) and an unstable channel (right) observed during the 2015 run. |
The noise filter inserted in the connectors between the HVopto board and the input of each PMT voltage divider. |
Scheme of the HV distribution system. In the HVopto board the odd and even components correspond to the left and right PMTs respectively discussed in the text. |
Behaviour of \AvDeltaHV{} as a function of time of a stable (left) and an unstable channel (right) observed during the 2015 run. |
Distributions of the values of the quadratic term of the polynomial function used for conversions of the DACs (left) and ADCs (right) of all the HVopto boards. |
Distribution of \mudhvi, defined in Section~\ref{subsec:unstable}, for all the stable channels of the EBA partition obtained analysing 2015 data. |
Distributions of the values of the quadratic term of the polynomial function used for conversions of the DACs (left) and ADCs (right) of all the HVopto boards. |