| Left: Projected sensitivity regions for searches for $e^+e^-\to ha \to b\bar b \gamma\gamma$ (upper panels) and $e^+e^-\to ha \to b\bar b \ell^+\ell^-$ (lower panels) for future $e^+e^-$ colliders, assuming that $|C_{Zh}^\text{eff}|=0.72\,\Lambda/\text{TeV}$ and $\text{Br}(a\to\gamma \gamma)=1$ (upper panels) and $\text{Br}(a\to\ell^+\ell^-)=1$ (lower panels). Right: Sensitivity regions for the example of the FCC-ee with $|C_{Zh}^\text{eff}|=0.72\,\Lambda/\text{TeV}$ (solid contour), $|C_{Zh}^\text{eff}|=0.1\,\Lambda/\text{TeV}$ (dashed contour), and $|C_{Zh}^\text{eff}|=0.015\,\Lambda/\text{TeV}$ (dotted contour), which corresponds to Br$(h \to Za)=34\%, 1\% $ and Br$(h \to Za)=0.02\% $, respectively. The constraints from Figure~\ref{fig:Cggbounds} are shown in the background. The sensitivity regions are based on 4 expected signal events. |