CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Parameterisation of radiation effects on CVD diamond for proton irradiation
Related titleParameterisation of radiation effects on CVD diamond for proton irradiation.
Author(s) Hartjes, F (Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Adam, W (OAW, Vienna) ; Bauer, C (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Berdermann, E (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Bergonzo, P (Saclay) ; Bogani, F (Florence U., LENS) ; Borchi, E (U. Florence (main)) ; Brambilla, A (Saclay) ; Bruzzi, M (U. Florence (main)) ; Colledani, C (Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I) ; Conway, J (Rutgers U., Piscataway (main)) ; Dabrowski, W (CERN) ; Delpierre, P (Marseille, CPPM) ; Deneuville, A (Grenoble, LEPES) ; Dulinski, W (Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I) ; van Eijk, B (Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Fallou, A (Marseille, CPPM) ; Fizzotti, F (U. Turin (main)) ; Foulon, F (Saclay) ; Friedl, M (OAW, Vienna) ; Gan, K K (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Gheeraert, E (Grenoble, LEPES) ; Grigoriev, E (CERN) ; Hallewell, G (Marseille, CPPM) ; Hall-Wilton, R (U. Bristol (main)) ; Han, S (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Hrubec, J (OAW, Vienna) ; Husson, D (Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I) ; Kagan, H (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Kania, D (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Kaplon, J (CERN) ; Karl, C (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Kass, R (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Knopfle, K T (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Krammer, M (OAW, Vienna) ; Logiudice, A (U. Turin (main)) ; Lu, R (U. Turin (main)) ; Manfredi, P F (U. Pavia (main)) ; Manfredotti, C (U. Turin (main)) ; Marshall, R D (Saclay) ; Meier, D (CERN) ; Mishina, M (Fermilab) ; Oh, A (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Pan, L S (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Palmieri, V G (Bern U., LHEP) ; Pernicka, M (OAW, Vienna) ; Peitz, A (Rutgers U., Piscataway (main)) ; Pirollo, S (U. Florence (main)) ; Polesello, P (U. Turin (main)) ; Pretzl, K (Bern U., LHEP) ; Procario, M (Carnegie Mellon U. (main)) ; Re, V (U. Pavia (main)) ; Riester, J L (Louis Pasteur U., Strasbourg I) ; Roe, S (CERN) ; Roff, D (U. Bristol (main)) ; Rudge, A (CERN) ; Runolfsson, O (CERN) ; Russ, J (Carnegie Mellon U. (main)) ; Schnetzer, S (Rutgers U., Piscataway (main)) ; Sciortino, Silvio (U. Florence (main)) ; Speziali, V (U. Pavia (main)) ; Stelzer, H (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Stone, R (Rutgers U., Piscataway (main)) ; Suter, B (Carnegie Mellon U. (main)) ; Tapper, R J (U. Bristol (main)) ; Tesarek, R (Rutgers U., Piscataway (main)) ; Trawick, M (Ohio State U., Columbus (main)) ; Trischuk, W (U. Toronto (main)) ; Vittone, E (U. Turin (main)) ; Wagner, A ; Walsh, A M (Rutgers U., Piscataway (main)) ; Wedenig, R (CERN) ; Weilhammer, P (CERN) ; White, C G (IIT, Chicago (main)) ; Ziock, H (Los Alamos) ; Zoeller, M (Ohio State U., Columbus (main))
Collaboration RD42
Publication 1999
Imprint 1999
Number of pages 8
In: Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 78 (1999) pp.675-682
In: 6th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics : ICATPP-6, Como, Italy, 5 - 9 Oct 1998, pp.675-682
DOI 10.1016/S0920-5632(99)00623-4
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment RD42
Abstract The paper reviews measurements of the radiation hardness of CVD diamond for 24 GeV/c proton irradiation at fluences up to $5 \times 10^{15}$ protons/cm$^2$ . The results not only show radiation damage but also an annealing effect that is dominant at levels around %10^{15}$ protons/cm$^2$ . A model describing both effects is introduced, enabling a prediction of the distribution curve of the charge signal for other levels.

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