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Report number IHEP-93-5
Title Search for heavy pentaquark exotic baryons with hidden strangeness in the reactions p + N --> (p$\phi$) + N and p + N --> ($\Lambda$(1520)K$^{+}$) + N at E$_{p}$ = 70 GeV

Balats, M Ya ; Belyaev, I ; Dorofeev, V A ; Dzyubenko, G B ; Filimonov, I M ; Frolov, S V ; Golovkin, S V ; Grishkin, Yu L ; Gritzuk, M V ; Kamenskii, A D ; Kliger, G K ; Kozhevnikov, A A ; Kolganov, V Z ; Konstantinov, A S ; Korchagin, Yu V ; Kubarovskii, V P ; Kulman, N Yu ; Kulyavtsev, A I ; Kurshetsov, V F ; Kushnirenko, A E ; Lakaev, V S ; Landsberg, G L ; Lomkatsi, G S ; Molchanov, V V ; Mukhin, V A ; Nilov, A P ; Novoghilov, Yu B ; Pogorelko, O I ; Skleznev, A V ; Smolyankin, V T ; Solyanik, V I ; Vavilov, D V ; Victorov, V A ; Vishniakov, V V ; Zemskov, O A

Publication 1993
Imprint 13 May 1993
Number of pages 24
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


 Record created 1994-05-17, last modified 2016-06-30

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