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Report number DESY-94-010 ; INP-MSU-93-30-322 ; KEK-CP-012 ; KEK-Preprint-93-179
Title Single top quark production at LEP 200?
Author(s) Boos, E ; Sachwitz, M ; Schreiber, H J ; Shichanin, S A ; Pukhov, A E ; Ilyin, V A ; Ishikawa, T ; Kaneko, T ; Kawabata, S ; Kurihara, Y ; Shimizu, Y ; Tanaka, H
Publication 1994
Imprint Jan 1994
Number of pages 15
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Other source Inspire


 Registro creado el 1994-02-01, última modificación el 2014-12-16

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