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Report number LPCC-93-12
Title Rapid decrease of fragment emission time in the range of 3 to 5 MeV/u excitation energy
Author(s) Louvel, M ; Genoux-Lubain, A ; Bizard, G ; Bougault, R ; Brou, R ; Butà, A ; Doubre, H ; Durand, D ; El-Masri, Y ; Fugiwara, H ; Hagel, K ; Hamdani, T ; Hanappe, F ; Jeong, S C ; Jin, G M ; Kato, S ; Laville, J L ; Lebrun, C ; Lecolley, J F ; Lee, S M ; Matsuse, T ; Motobayashi, T ; Péghaire, A ; Péter, J ; Régimbart, R ; Saint-Laurent, F ; Steckmeyer, J C ; Tamain, B
Publication 1993
Imprint Jul 1993
Number of pages 13
Published in: Phys. Lett. B
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Записът е създаден на 1993-10-12, последна промяна на 2014-12-16