CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 9th IAP Astrophysics Meeting: Cosmic Velocity Fields
Date(s), location 12 - 17 Jul 1993, Paris, France
Editor(s) Bouchet, François R (ed.) ; Lachièze-Rey, M (ed.)
Corporate author(s) Institut d'Astrophysique. Paris
Imprint Gif-sur-Yvette : Ed. Frontières, 1993 - 603 p.
ISBN 2863321420
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
Free keywords kinematics ; velocity
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Non-linear dynamics of irrotational dust : Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches
by Matarrese, S
Bayesian estimates of the large-scale velocity field in real space and redshift space
by Stebbins, A J
Quasi-linear regime of gravitational instability : implication to density-velocity relation
by Shandarin, S F
Tests of the Hubble law from the luminosity function of IRAS galaxies
by Strauss, M A
Confrontation of the Lauer and Postman cluster velocity field with models
by Strauss, M A
About biases on the determination of H$_{0}$ and of distances of galaxies
by Triay, R
Padova contributions
Connection with dynamics : general introduction
by Shandarin, S F
Kurtosis of the density field
by Catelan, P

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 Запись создана 1993-06-18, последняя модификация 2021-07-30