CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Symposium on Directions in General Relativity: Festschrift Brill (D) and Misner (C) on their 60th Birthdays
Related conference title(s) Directions in General Relativity
Date(s), location 27 - 29 May 1993, College Park, MD, USA
Editor(s) Hu, B L (ed.) ; Jacobson, T A (ed.)
Imprint Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005 - 2 v.
ISBN 0521021405 (v.2)
052145266X (v.1)
9780521021401 (v.2)
9780521452663 (v.1)
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Free keywords black holes ; gravity ; quantum cosmology
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

(1 + 1)-dimensional methods for general relativity (II323)
by Yoon, J H
No time machines from lightlike sources in 2 + 1 gravity
by Deser, Stanley D

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1993-05-05, last modified 2021-08-10