CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 6th Wire Chamber Conference
Date(s), location 17 - 21 Feb 1992, Vienna, Austria
Editor(s) Bartl, Walter (ed.) ; Neuhofer, Günther (ed.) ; Regler, Meinhard (ed.) ; Taurok, Anton (ed.)
Imprint 1992
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords Cherenkov ; calorimetry ; chamber ; cosmic rays ; detectors ; trigger

Contributions in Inspire: C92-02-17.1
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Applications of gaseous detectors in astrophysics, medicine and biology (p. 1)
by Sauli, Fabio
Wire chamber gases (p. 34)
by Vavra, J
A high resolution muon detector (p. 109)
by Adeva, B
Performance of the OPAL jet chamber (p. 169)
by Biebel, O
The DELPHI time projection chamber (p. 209)
by Sacquin, Yu
Alignment of the ALEPH Tracking devices (p. 213)
by Wiedenmann, W
Effects of high beam rates on TPC's (p. 224)
by Etkin, A
A microstrip gas chamber with true two-dimensional and pixel read-out (p. 229)
by Angelini, F
Development of microstrip gas chambers with multi-chip technology (p. 236)
by Nagae, T
High flux operation of microstrip gas chambers on glass and plastic supports (p. 240)
by Bouclier, Roger
Operation of the gaseous pixel chamber in proportional mode (p. 252)
by Williams, M C S
Studies of helium based drift chamber gases for high-luminosity low energy machines (p. 267)
by Boyarski, A M
A measurement of the first Townsend coefficient in argon based mixtures at high fields (p. 280)
by Sharma, A
Applications of gaseous electron counting detectors (p. 294)
by Pansky, A
Multidrift module simulation (p. 315)
by Guz, Yu
Studies of energy loss in helium gas mixtures (p. 322)
by Yadigaroglu, I A
The barrel ring imaging Cherenkov counter of DELPHI (p. 351)
by Anassontzis, E G
Drift optimization for the photon detectors of the DELPHI forward ring imaging Cherenkov detector (p. 363)
by Bostjancic, B
The RICH counter in the CERN hyperon beam experiment (p. 373)
by Beusch, Werner
A fast RICH detector for JETSET (p. 386)
by Jones, R
The NA48 liquid krypton prototype calorimeter (p. 393)
by Barr, Giles David
Results on the spaghetti calorimeter projective prototype (p. 398)
by Bencheikh, B
A new detector for low P$_{t}$ physics (p. 419)
by Da Vià, C
New generation of Cherenkov counters (p. 431)
by Giomataris, Ioanis
Preliminary results of the study of gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes sensitive in the spectral region from 105 to 300 nm (p. 445)
by Charpak, Georges
Initial performance of the VENUS transition radiation detector (p. 471)
by Terunuma, N
The readout system of the CPLEAR electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 511)
by Bal, F
The L3 energy trigger for the LEP 8 bunch operation (p. 528)
by Bagnaia, P
A driftchamber track finder for the first level trigger of the H1-experiment (p. 537)
by Wolff, T
A fast ECL bus memory : dual input memory(p. 549)
by Cesaroni, F
Liquid xenon ionization and scintillation studies for a homogeneous vector-electromagnetic calorimeter
by Séguinot, Jacques

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